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Digital Signal Processing Chapter 1: Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Signal Processing Chapter 1: Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Signal Processing Chapter 1: Introduction

2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems Discrete-time signals

3 Example sounds Single tone: k02.wav, k04.wavk02.wavk04.wav Machine: whistle.wavwhistle.wav Music: furelise.wavfurelise.wav From: Signal Processing First, by James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer, and Mark A. Yoder, Prentice Hall, 2003.

4 Frequencies between 0 and 2


6 The z-Transform The unit circle

7 Poles, zeros, and region of convergence

8 Sampling of Continuous-Time Signals Sampling

9 Example: From: Signal Processing First, by James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer, and Mark A. Yoder, Prentice Hall, 2003.

10 Sampling of a cosine signal

11 Sampling effect

12 Aliasing

13 Transform Analysis of Linear Time- Invariant Systems

14 Fourier transform


16 Structures for Discrete-Time Systems Direct form I

17 Direct form II

18 Filter Design Techniques Basic diagram

19 Low-pass filter

20 A CEG piano chord

21 A low pass filter with a cut-off of 456 Hz applied to the CEG chord extracts the signal: filtCEG.wav filtCEG.wav A low pass filter with a cut-off of 361 Hz applied to the CEG chord extracts the signal: filtCE.wav filtCE.wav A low pass filter with a cut-off of 296 Hz applied to the CEG chord extracts the signal: filtC.wav filtC.wav From: Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, by Joyce Van de Vegte, Prentice Hall, 2002.

22 Software Matlab

23 Hardware DSP 與多媒體 作者:德州儀器無線通訊事業部, g=4&sno=34 g=4&sno=34 業界應用

24 Summary General overview from wikipedia ssing

25 References Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Second Edition, by Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, and John R. Buck, Prentice Hall, 1999. Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, by Joyce Van de Vegte, Prentice Hall, 2002. Signal Processing First, by James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer, and Mark A. Yoder, Prentice Hall, 2003.

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