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1 Pertemuan 14 Arsitektur Process Matakuliah: M0446/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2005 Versi: 0/0.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pertemuan 14 Arsitektur Process Matakuliah: M0446/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2005 Versi: 0/0."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pertemuan 14 Arsitektur Process Matakuliah: M0446/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2005 Versi: 0/0

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Membagi class menjadi component

3 3 Outline Materi System Process

4 4 Now continue with this area of activity and its product Design of components Design of architecture Analysis of application domain Analysis of problem domain Specifications for components Model Requirements for use Specifications for architecture (adapted from Mathiassen et al, 2000) System Choice (Pre-analysis) System Definition Application Domain Analysis in Context of OOA&D Activities

5 5 Dua Bagian dari arsitektur Component architecture: Struktur sistem yang terdiri dari komponen yang saling terinterkoneksi Process architecture: struktur eksekusi sistem yang terdiri dari proses yang saling bergantungan (interdependent)

6 6 Arsitektur komponen dan proses (Mathiassen et al, 2000) Component Architecture: –Classes –Stable aspects –Related components –Logical level –Structure for descriptions Process Architecture –Objects –Dynamic aspects –Coordination of processes –Physical level –Structure for execution

7 7 Process Architecture

8 8 Finally, we’ll look at this activity (Mathiassen et al, 2000) Analysis document Criteria Component architecture Process architecture Architectural specification Main Activities in Architectural Design

9 9 Introduction Now concentrate on objects and their involvement in processes Need to coordinate when have multiple processes with shared resources –Processors –Program components –External devices Results: –Deployment diagram showing processors, assigned components, and active objects –Outline of solutions for coordination mechanisms

10 10 When & Why Not a significant activity for a simple system with a single process, e.g. a stand-alone system Critical for large systems, especially monitoring and control systems, & embedded systems May wait to begin this activity until component architecture and components are nearly complete May start this activity early with exploratory and experimental work, which heavily influences components

11 11 Terminology Process Architecture: A system-execution structure composed of interdependent processes Process: A collection of operations that are executed in a bounded and linked sequence Processor: A piece of equipment that can execute a program

12 12 Terminology (2) Program Component: A physical module of program code Active object: An object that has been assigned a process

13 13 Processes, Active Objects, and Shared Objects Process 3 Process 1 Process 2 Object 1 o1o1 o2o2 Object 4 o7o7 o8o8 Object 2 o3o3 o4o4 Object 3 o5o5 o6o6 Object 5 o9o9 o 10 Process 4 Potential conflict over shared program component Active object because it starts a new process

14 14 Concurrency True concurrency: When two or more events in the system’s context can occur at the same time and processes must support this (e.g. multiple users) Random concurrency: When two or more operations are designed to be executed at the same time (e.g. print in background) Don’t have any choice about the former

15 15 Principles Aim at an architecture without bottlenecks –would slow down the system and cause problems Distribute components on processors Coordinate resource sharing with active objects

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