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CS1103 電機資訊工程實習 Department of Computer Science National Tsing Hua University.

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1 CS1103 電機資訊工程實習 Department of Computer Science National Tsing Hua University

2 1 課程緣由  課程原來規劃: 透過講授及實習,瞭解電機資訊的基本概念,以及 不同研究領域。課程的安排由最基礎的 IC 製造、電 路設計、計算機結構、系統軟體,到電腦 - 電腦與電 腦 - 環境互動,以及電腦應用  過去的方式:講課、參觀實驗室、實習  過去的困難: 學習動機及興趣 由電機資訊到資訊 新的大學部學程

3 2 最近有關課程之發展  大學課程的改進方向 MIT EECS 6.01: learn key issues in designing engineered artifacts operating in the natural world ‒ controlling software complexity, modeling and controlling physical systems, managing the interaction of computing artifacts with physical systems, building and using models under perceptual and control uncertainty MIT EECS 6.02: learn the role of abstraction and modularity in engineering design ‒ building reliable systems using imperfect components, selecting appropriate design metrics, choosing effective representations, analyzing performance, correctness and tradeoffs

4 3 最近有關課程之發展  電資院課程改進: 電資院學士班電資工程實務概論 資工系軟體實驗 專題課程、大二實習  最近的趨勢: Google phone & Android  Linux, virtual machine Cell phones, robots, sensors, multicore, search, web 2.0, virtualization, visualization

5 4 今年的嚐試  Fun with concepts and programming Basic concepts of CS ‒ as far as I know ‒ those that I understand Linux programming Cell phone programming using Windows Mobile Robotic programming using Robotic Studio  方式及時間: 星期一 13:10 ~ 15:00 :講課、隨堂作業 星期四 16:20 ~ 19:00 :實習  地點: 星期一:資電館 234 星期四: PC 實驗室

6 5 課程大綱  What is digital? from analog to digital; sampling from digital to computing system  What is state? modeling, abstraction, and modularization  What is recursion?  Search and problem solving strategies  What is concurrency? synchronization?  What is scalability?  How to evaluate and test?

7 6 課程大綱  Linux programming Basics System programming Makefile Device driver  Programming using Robotic Studio  Programming using Windows Mobile If time permits

8 7 課程資訊  任課教授 : 金仲達 辦公室 : 資電館 443 電話 : 42804 email:  助教 : 黃仁澤、劉銘傑 辦公室 : 資電館 734 電話 : 53553  成績計算: 實習: 40% 隨堂作業及出席: 40% 期末考: 20%  課程網頁 : ml

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