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Tissue Repair. Two Types of Repair  Reconstruction with same type cells skin, liver cells  Replacement with simpler cells (scar) connective tissue,

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Presentation on theme: "Tissue Repair. Two Types of Repair  Reconstruction with same type cells skin, liver cells  Replacement with simpler cells (scar) connective tissue,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tissue Repair

2 Two Types of Repair  Reconstruction with same type cells skin, liver cells  Replacement with simpler cells (scar) connective tissue, muscle, disruption of basic cellular framework

3 Two Types of Repair  Occurs in Two Ways Primary union  small incision  fills and heals rapidly Secondary union  large gap or hole to be filled  much slower, leaves larger scar

4 PHASES OF REPAIR (4)  Cellular Phase macrophages scavenge cellular debris extension of the phagocytosis phase of inflammation

5 PHASES OF REPAIR (4)  Vascular Response transient phase many new capillaries are formed (capillary budding)  deliver oxygen and nutrients

6 PHASES OF REPAIR (4)  Collagenization manufacturing and laying down collagen in the wound space. (scar) collagen strands are layed down haphazardly into the wound space most collagen is laid down by 15 to 20 days strength comes only after the collagen is realigned parallel to the line of force. (Sometimes takes years)

7 PHASES OF REPAIR (4)  Contraction and Restructuring process that causes the scare tissue to become smaller and more pale capillary arcade collapses realignment of strands parallel to direction of force.

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