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SOSC005 Government and Politics Lecture 3 One Country, Two Systems.

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2 SOSC005 Government and Politics Lecture 3 One Country, Two Systems

3 (A) The Origins The Three Unequal Treaties The Three Unequal Treaties After 1949, China could take back HK but did not because of strategic reasons: After 1949, China could take back HK but did not because of strategic reasons: A window to the WestA window to the West A center that supply China with goods, information, etc..A center that supply China with goods, information, etc.. China’s exports to HK earned foreign exchange.China’s exports to HK earned foreign exchange.

4 China did not take back Macau for fear of arousing concern in HK. China did not take back Macau for fear of arousing concern in HK. “ 長期打算,充份利用 ”. “ 長期打算,充份利用 ”. In 79-82, Britain raised the issue of HK’s future to China. In 79-82, Britain raised the issue of HK’s future to China. China’s major concern: China’s major concern: a)sovereignty and national dignity; b)how to maintain HK’s stability and prosperity; c)its demonstration effect to Taiwan. “One Country, Two Systems, High Autonomy, Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong” ( 一國兩 制、高度自治、港人治港 ) “One Country, Two Systems, High Autonomy, Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong” ( 一國兩 制、高度自治、港人治港 )

5 The Essence Two systems: capitalism and socialism Two systems: capitalism and socialism Fifty years unchanged: capitalist system and way of life ( 原有資本主義生活方式五十年 不變 ). HK protects private property. Fifty years unchanged: capitalist system and way of life ( 原有資本主義生活方式五十年 不變 ). HK protects private property. Independent executive, legislative and judiciary power, including the power of final adjudication ( 終審權 ). Independent executive, legislative and judiciary power, including the power of final adjudication ( 終審權 ). “HK people ruling HK” means mainland officials will not be used to rule HK. “HK people ruling HK” means mainland officials will not be used to rule HK.

6 Legal Basis Joint Declaration : 中華人民共和國對香港的基 本方針政策 Joint Declaration : 中華人民共和國對香港的基 本方針政策 Article 31 of Chinese Constitution: Article 31 of Chinese Constitution: 國家在必 要時得設立特別行政區。在特別行政區內實行 的制度按照具體情況由全國人民代表大會以法 律規定。

7 (C ) Institutional Features The Sovereignty Aspects a)Central Govt responsible for foreign affairs and national defense. b)CE and major officials have to be formally appointed by the Central Govt. c)The laws enacted in HK must be reported to NPCSC ( 人大常委 ) for record ( 備案 ). d)Some laws of PRC are enforceable in HK; NPCSC can change the list of laws that are enforced in HK (listed in Annex III). e)Central govt can declare a state of emergency in HK (Art.18).

8 第十七條 香港特別行政區的立法機關制定的法律須報全國 人民代表大會常務委員會備案。備案不影響該法 律的生效。 [ 人大常委 ] … 如認為香港特別行政區立法機關制定 的任何法律不符合本法關於中央管理的事務及中 央和香港特別行政區關係的條款,可將有關法律 發回,但不作修改。經全國人民代表大會常務委 員會發回的法律立即失效。

9 第十八條 全國人民代表大會常務委員會決定宣佈戰爭 狀態或因香港特別行政區發生香港特別行 政區政府不能控制的危及國家統一或安全 的動亂而決定香港進入緊急狀態,中央人 民政府可發佈命令將全國性法律在香港特 別行政區實施。

10 e)Ultimate power to interpret the BL lies with NPCSC ( 人大常委 ). f)Cases involve affairs that are responsibility of Central Govt, or concerning the relationship b/w China and HK, the courts should seek interpretation from NPCSC. g)Power of amendment of BL vests in the NPC (Art.159). The SAR, State Council or NPCSC can propose amendments.

11 The Autonomy Aspects a)SAR has executive, legislative, judicial power, & power of final adjudication ( 終審權 ). b)HK can enter into intl agreements under the name of "China Hong Kong" ( 中國香港 ) c)China’s govt depts, provinces, cities of China cannot intervene into SAR affairs. Mainland residents must get approval from mainland authorities before they can come to HK. (Art.22)

12 Other Issues Residual power" ( 剩餘權力 ) -- areas of power not clearly defined in the constitution—is undefined in BL but should belong to Central Govt. No amendments of BL should violate the Basic policies of the Chinese government towards HK Central Govt. has ultimate power to change BL and vetoes decisions in HK.

13 China’s policy over HK 1.Stability and Prosperity of HK is the utmost concern. 2.Relationship with democrats in HK and the issue of democratization in HK. 3.HK should not be used by foreign forces as a base to subvert or stir turmoil in mainland. Political changes & ideas in HK may spill over to mainland.

14 4.Demonstration effect to Taiwan 5.International reputation: that China can run HK well and can uphold “one country, two systems”. That involves respecting freedom, rule of law and autonomy in HK.

15 (E) “One Country, Two Systems” after 97 The General Strategy CPG largely did not intervene, esp. on social and economic policy-making. CPG largely did not intervene, esp. on social and economic policy-making. “Singapore model”: focus on economic devt, minimize political changes, keep stability, marginalize political opposition, economically open but politically conservative. “Singapore model”: focus on economic devt, minimize political changes, keep stability, marginalize political opposition, economically open but politically conservative. An outlook of freedom, rule of law and autonomy of HK vital to show that “one country, two systems” is working. An outlook of freedom, rule of law and autonomy of HK vital to show that “one country, two systems” is working.

16 Issues that Raised Concern Central officials openly intervened on Falun Gong and Taiwan independence– political bottomline. Central officials openly intervened on Falun Gong and Taiwan independence– political bottomline. Reinterpretation of BL— 3 times in 7+ years, arousing criticisms that it hurt autonomy, judicial independence and final adjudication power of HK. Reinterpretation of BL— 3 times in 7+ years, arousing criticisms that it hurt autonomy, judicial independence and final adjudication power of HK. The debate on democracy after 2003 shows that Central Govt was very determined that it would have the final say on HK’s political system. The debate on democracy after 2003 shows that Central Govt was very determined that it would have the final say on HK’s political system.

17 Changes after July 2003 Central Govt. knew the seriousness of governance problem of HK. Central Govt. knew the seriousness of governance problem of HK. Step up econ. assistance to HK (CEPA, individual tourism, infrastructural projects, etc.) Step up econ. assistance to HK (CEPA, individual tourism, infrastructural projects, etc.) NPCSC verdict vetos democracy in 07/08 NPCSC verdict vetos democracy in 07/08 killed the momentum of the democracy movement; killed the momentum of the democracy movement; delayed institutional reforms; delayed institutional reforms; gap b/w HK people’s expectations and the conservative political system. gap b/w HK people’s expectations and the conservative political system.

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