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Homework due Monday. Use Compton scattering formula for Ch5 Q8 An electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy = work done moving an electron down one volt =

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1 Homework due Monday. Use Compton scattering formula for Ch5 Q8 An electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy = work done moving an electron down one volt = 1.6 x 10 -19 J. What is the kinetic energy, in MeV, of a particle of rest mass 8 MeV/c 2 and total energy 10 MeV? A] 0 B] 2 C] 3 D] 7 E] 10

2 What is the rest mass, in MeV/c 2, of a particle with momentum P x = 4 MeV/c and total energy 5 MeV? A] 0 B] 2 C] 3 D] 7 E] 10

3 What is the total energy (in MeV) of a particle having P x = 6 MeV/c And rest mass = 8 MeV/c 2 ? A] 0 B] 2 C] 3 D] 7 E] 10

4 E field lines are Lorentz contracted in the direction of motion of the source charge.

5 Neutral e- currents in the lab frame: In e- frame, electrons are farther apart (because they are L contracted in the lab, and uncontracted in own frame) In e- frame, + nuclei are closer together (because they are L contracted from the lab frame)

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