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台灣大學社會工作學系 鄭麗珍 社會工作學門學術研習營 貧窮與社會救助研究領域 2007.06.25 貧窮議題的研究與實踐.

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Presentation on theme: "台灣大學社會工作學系 鄭麗珍 社會工作學門學術研習營 貧窮與社會救助研究領域 2007.06.25 貧窮議題的研究與實踐."— Presentation transcript:

1 台灣大學社會工作學系 鄭麗珍 社會工作學門學術研習營 貧窮與社會救助研究領域 2007.06.25 貧窮議題的研究與實踐

2 研習營的前言 一、社會工作學門研習營的緣起: 社會工作學門研究人員的研究能量提昇 二、「貧窮議題的研究與實踐」的命名: 貧窮議題與社會工作專業的肇建有關 三、個人研究貧窮議題的因緣際會: 從事濟貧社會工作的省思和期許

3 貧窮研究與實踐的思考架構 poverty knowledge social science social policy poverty problem Dynamic Flow:

4 Argue for a Poverty Problem Why you want to study poverty problem? Personal agenda vs. social agenda. Is there a poverty problem in Taiwan? Poverty was deeply hidden, dig it out. How do you portrait poverty problem? Extent & consequences of living in poverty.

5 Knowledge of Poverty Ideology-based knowledge: political, economic, cultural, and institutional consideration. Knowledge-based knowledge: theoretical, and practice oriented understanding. Industry-based knowledge: government, policy think-tanks, NGOs sponsored.

6 Social Science toward Poverty Measuring poverty model: define a right poverty line to measure poverty. 官方貧窮線、總收入所得、食衣住行 消費、家戶人口的 equivalent scale 等 Cause-effect model: develop theoretical explanations of poverty causes and effects. 個別性因素、文化性因素、結構性因素等

7 Social Science toward Poverty Social action model: participatory design and evaluation of anti-poverty actions 工作福利、資產累積、小額貸款、小方案等 Welfare Ideology model: develop a historical profile of anti-poverty policies to predict welfare development. 西方福利主義典範、歷史觀的福利主義等

8 Poverty Research Agenda Poverty is an objective, quantifiable, apolitical, value-free condition, ex. poverty line. Secondary data analysis, social survey are often used. Poverty is a psychological, cultural process, ex. inequality, discrimination, social exclusion. In- depth interview, ethnographic data collecting. Poverty is an institutional arrangements of opportune and purposeful policy actions, ex. political & economic climate. Historical analysis.

9 Poverty Policy Agenda Academic purpose: build knowledge of poverty and inform policy reform or action. Policy purpose: innovate related policies to reduce extent & impact of poverty. Practice purpose: empower the poor toward a better life, manage impression of the poor.

10 Anti-poverty Program Intends to do The poor can be reduced in a quantitative sense. The poor can be included into mainstream society. The poor can be empowered toward economic self-sufficiency. The poor can influence social policy.

11 Issues of Knowledge-based Reform Academic knowledge building vs. anti- poverty action practice? Macro social policy interventions vs. small win from antipoverty actions? Change individual behaviors vs. reform social policies? Target at individual vs. community level?

12 The end.

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