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Education with a Purpose. Your Child’s Future Begins Here The Time Has Come...

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Presentation on theme: "Education with a Purpose. Your Child’s Future Begins Here The Time Has Come..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education with a Purpose

2 Your Child’s Future Begins Here The Time Has Come...

3 Learn more about Hollidaysburg Area School District’s Career Pathways Program

4 Career information is presented to students in all grades using the following curriculum flow guide:

5 Curriculum Flow Elementary Career Awareness Junior High Career Exploration Senior High Career Planning/Preparation

6 What is a career pathways program?

7 Career Pathways is: A flexible, guided process for assisting students with career awareness. A focused awareness of how courses are related to career interests, ability/aptitude and personal goals through the connection of classroom experiences and career exploration.

8 Career Pathways is: An opportunity for ALL students in all grades to explore careers through job fairs, shadowing experiences, business speakers, interview experiences, and personal assessments.

9 Career Pathways is not: The tracking or labeling of students A permanent commitment to a career The training for a specific job or career A means of replacing or weakening the current curriculum

10 Students explore career information from the five major career pathways. These include: The Plan...

11 Pathway Option Business Computer Information Systems Business Administration,Marketing, Mathematics, Sales

12 Pathway Option Communications Journalism, Language Arts, Media, Public Relations The Arts – Music, Theater, Visual

13 Pathway Option Engineering and Industrial Architecture, Construction, Manufacturing Material Sciences and Nanofabrication

14 Pathway Option Human Services Consumer Services and Human Development Education, Government, Law

15 Pathway Option Science Biomedical, Physical, Earth Science Environmental

16 Elementary Career Pathway Activities

17 K through 6 grades The career pathways concept begins in kindergarten and continues through the elementary grades where students are introduced to career related concepts through guidance and classroom activities.

18 Junior High Career Pathway Activities

19 Grades 7, 8 and 9 Junior High Students have many activities which enable them to learn about careers AND begin to decide about their own interests and abilities. These activities include :

20 Grade Seven  The Career Game Activity  Counselor generated list of careers for each student based on results of The Career Game  Follow up research project for The Career Game includes introduction to the Pathways  Pathway Pals Computer Activity with research

21 Grade Eight  Introduction to the Career Fair and pathway terms  The Career Fair  Self-directed Search activity with connections to each of the pathways  A lesson on each pathway presented in the computer class with a follow up project  The Career Conference

22 Grade Nine  Panel Presentation for each Pathway (one per month)  Video Presentation for each Pathway (one per month)  Differential Aptitude Test with connections to the Pathways  Final project in the computer class  GACTC tours

23 Senior High Career Pathway Activities

24 Grades 10, 11, 12  Enrollment in an elective subject related to the pathway choice  Participation in career related activities that are directly related to a career pathway in elective and required courses  Career focused graduation project completed in the senior year

25 Grades 10, 11 and 12  Opportunities for shadowing and field trip experiences related to a student’s pathway choice  Presentations by speakers directly related to a student’s pathway choice  Counselor directed career activities through the Bridges program and other sites

26 Summary Career Pathways is a plan which encourages students to examine their personal information and then use this information to make informed, career related post-secondary decisions

27 For additional information about the career pathways program please contact a guidance counselor or visit the career pathways web page on the Tigerwires site. Information

28 Career Pathways Web Page Link on all sites Description of program Section available to post classroom and guidance activities

29 Parent Presentation 9/4/08 Help Needed Please contact Debbie Lardieri at 695-7319 if you would like to assist our career pathways endeavor.

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