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CSE 3504: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Probability axioms Combinatorial problems (Sec. 1.5-1.8.3)

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 3504: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Probability axioms Combinatorial problems (Sec. 1.5-1.8.3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 3504: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Probability axioms Combinatorial problems (Sec. 1.5-1.8.3)

2 Probability axioms  Sample space:  Events:  Assign probabilities to events:  Example: A single coin toss

3 Probability axioms (contd..)

4 Probability axioms: Example  Sequence of three coin tosses  Compute the probability of event E1 – at least one head.  Compute the probability of event E2 – at most two heads.

5 Probability axioms: Example  System composed of CPU and memory  Sample space:  Events of interest – System up & system down:  Compute p(system up) and p(system down):

6 Formulating a probability model

7 Combinatorial problems  Ordered sample of size k with replacement

8 Combinatorial problems: Example  Ordered sample of size k with replacement (example)

9 Combinatorial problems: Example  Ordered sample of size k with replacement (example)

10 Combinatorial problems  Ordered sample of size k without replacement

11 Combinatorial problems (contd..)  Example: Ordered sample of size k without replacement

12 Combinatorial problems (contd..)  Example: Ordered sample of size k without replacement

13 Combinatorial problems (contd..)  Unordered sample of size k, without replacement

14 Combinatorial problems (contd..)  Example: Unordered sample of size k, without replacement

15 Combinatorial problems (contd..)  Example: Unordered sample of size k, without replacement

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