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Induced EMF and Inductance 1830s Michael Faraday Joseph Henry.

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2 Induced EMF and Inductance 1830s Michael Faraday Joseph Henry

3 Faraday’s Law of Induction The induced EMF in a closed loop equals the negative of the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the loop

4 There can be EMF produced in a number of ways: A time varying magnetic field An area whose size is varying A time varying angle between and Any combination of the above


6 R From Faraday’s law: a time varying flux through a circuit will induce an EMF in the circuit. If the circuit consists only of a loop of wire with one resistor, with resistance R, a current Which way? Lenz’s Law: if a current is induced by some change, the direction of the current is such that it opposes the change.


8 The Moving Circuit

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