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6a.1 Globus Toolkit Execution Management. Data Management Security Common Runtime Execution Management Information Services Web Services Components Non-WS.

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Presentation on theme: "6a.1 Globus Toolkit Execution Management. Data Management Security Common Runtime Execution Management Information Services Web Services Components Non-WS."— Presentation transcript:

1 6a.1 Globus Toolkit Execution Management

2 Data Management Security Common Runtime Execution Management Information Services Web Services Components Non-WS Components Pre-WS Authentication Authorization GridFTP Grid Resource Allocation Mgmt (Pre-WS GRAM) Monitoring & Discovery System (MDS2) C Common Libraries GT2GT2 WS Authentication Authorization Reliable File Transfer OGSA-DAI [Tech Preview] Grid Resource Allocation Mgmt (WS GRAM) Monitoring & Discovery System (MDS4) Java WS Core Community Authorization Service GT3GT3 Replica Location Service XIO GT3GT3 Credential Management GT4GT4 Python WS Core [contribution] C WS Core Community Scheduler Framework [contribution] Delegation Service GT4GT4 I Foster

3 6a.3 Grid Resource Allocation Manager (GRAM) Job submission

4 6a.4 Resource Management Job submission Job status Basic resource allocation

5 6a.5 Outline GT2 job submission using RSL version 1 language. GT 3.2 job submission using RSL version 2 language. GT 4 job submission (can use RSL version language

6 6a.6 Resource Allocation Globus (2, 3.2, or 4.0) does not have its own job scheduler to find resources and automatically send jobs to suitable machines. For that, use a separate scheduler, e.g. Condor, Sun Grid Engine, LSF, PBS, ….

7 6a.7 Globus Version 2 (pre-2004) Pre-WS GRAM

8 6a.8 From: “Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus,” IBM Redbooks, Fig. 7-3. Globus version 2

9 6a.9 GT 2 GRAM Job startup done using GRAM service. Consist of: Gatekeeper Job Manager Job manager can connect to a local resource manager (scheduler) GASS service -- provides access to remote files and for redirecting standard output streams.

10 6a.10 GRAM Commands globusrun -- Runs a single executable on a remote site. globus-job-run -- Allows you to run a job at one or several remote resources. Uses globusrun to submit job. globus-job-submit -- For batch job submission (e.g. using a local scheduling job manager). Not recommended; use globus-job-run or globusrun instead, with job manager specified

11 6a.11 Scheduler Can specify a job scheduler with globusrun, by adding scheduler name to hostname: /jobmanager-lsf

12 6a.12 Specifying job Command used a file to describe job in a language called Resource Specification Language, RSL RSL Version 1 -- a metalanguage describing job and its required execution.

13 6a.13 Resource Specification Language RSL Provides a specification for: Resource requirements - machine type, number of nodes, memory, etc. Job description - directory, executable, arguments, environment

14 6a.14 RSL Version 1 Constraints Example Conjunction (AND): & To create 3-5 instances of myProg, each on a machine with at least 64 Mbytes memory available to me for 1 hours: & (executable=myProg) (count>=3)(count =64) (max_time=60)

15 6a.15 RSL Version 1 Constraints Example Disjunction (OR): | To create 5 instances of myProg, each on a machine with at least 64 Mbytes memory or 7 instances of myProg, each on a machine with at least 32 Mbytes memory : &(executable=myProg) (|(&(count=5)(memory>=64)) (&(count=7)(memory>=32)))

16 6a.16 RSL version 1 Requesting multiple resources multirequest: + To execute 5 instances of myProg1 on a machine with at least 64 Mbytes memory and execute 2 instances of myProg2: +(&(count=5)(memory>=64)) (executable=myProg1)) (&(count=2)(executable=myProg2))

17 6a.17 Can specify different resource managers on different machines using resourceManagerContact attribute.

18 6a.18 RSL creation with Globus version 2 GT2 globus-job-run can be used to generate RSL from command line arguments with - dumprsl flag -help gives options

19 6a.19 Globus 3.2

20 6a.20 GT 3.2 GRAM “Globus Resource Allocation Manager” A set of “OGSI” compliant services provided to start remote jobs. notably: Master Managed Job Factory Service (MMJFS). Also a set of non-OGSI compliant services (Gatekeeper, Jobmanager) from pre-GT3.

21 6a.21 Globus GT 3.x

22 6a.22 Resource Specification Language, RSL, version 2 GT3 and GT 4 use RSL version 2. (Some differences in RSL language specification in GT4, so not completely interchangeable.) RSL Version 2 is an XML language.

23 6a.23 Resource Specification Language Version 2 (RSL -2) Can specify everything from executable, paths, arguments, input/output, error file, number of processes, max/min execution time, max/min memory, job type etc. etc.

24 6a.24 RSL-2 Much more elegant and flexible, and in keeping with systems using XML. Can use XML parsers. Allows more powerful mechanisms with job schedulers. Resource scheduler/broker applies specification to local resources.

25 6a.25 RSL-2 Example Specifying Executable (executable=/bin/echo) In GT 4 version of RSL-2, can simply write: /bin/echo

26 6a.26 RSL-2 Example Specifying Directory (directory=“/bin”) In GT 4 version of RSL-2, can simply write: /bin/

27 6a.27 RSL-2 Example Specifying Number (count=1) In GT 4 version of RSL-2, can simply write: 1

28 6a.28 RSL-2 Example Specifying Arguments (arguments=“Hello”) In GT 4 version of RSL-2, can simply write: hello world

29 6a.29 RSL and (GT 3.2) RSL-2 comparison for echo program &((executable=/bin/echo) (directory="/bin") (arguments="Hello World") (stdin=/dev/null) (stdout="stdout") (stderr="stderr") (count=1) ) <rsl:rsl xmlns:rsl="" xmlns:gram="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" c:/ogsa-3.0/schema/base/gram/rsl.xsd c:/ogsa-3.0/schema/base/gram/gram_rsl.xsd">

30 6a.30 Running GT 3 Job Command: managed-job-globusrun and arguments -- named master job factory service to process job and an xml file to specify job. Command equivalent to GT 2 globusrun command.

31 6a.31 Globus 4.0

32 6a.32 GT 4 WS-GRAM

33 6a.33 In WS GRAM, jobs started by the ManagedExecutionJobService, which is a Java service implementation running within globus service container.

34 6a.34 Running GT 4 Job Command: globusrun-ws and arguments to specify job. Equivalent to GT 3.2 managed-job- globusrun command, and GT 2 globusrun command.

35 6a.35 GT4 job submission command globusrun-ws Submit and monitor GRAM jobs Replaces (java) managed-job-globusrun Written in C, faster startup and execution Supports multiple and single job submission Handles credential management Streaming of job stdout/err during execution

36 6a.36 Simple job submission Step 1: Create proxy with grid-proxy-int command. Step 2: globusrun-ws with parameters to specify job.

37 6a.37 Some globusrun-ws flags for job submission

38 6a.38 Job submission -submit Submits (or resubmits) a job to a job host in one of three output modes: batch, interactive, or interactive- streaming. This flag needed.

39 6a.39 Specifying where job is submitted (ManagedJobFactory) -F Specifies the “contact” for the job submission. Default https://localhost:8443/wsrf/services/ ManagedJobFactoryService In assignment 3, simply localhost and container port number used, i.e. -F localhost:8443

40 6a.40 Submitting a single job - c Causes globusrun-ws to generate a simple job description with the named program and arguments. This flag, if used, must be the last flag.

41 6a.41 Example Submit program echo with argument hello to default local host. % globusrun-ws –submit –c /bin/echo hello Submitting job...Done. Job ID: uuid:d23a7be0-f87c-11d9-a53b- 0011115aae1f Termination time: 07/20/2005 17:44 GMT Current job state: Active Current job state: CleanUp Current job state: Done Destroying job...Done.

42 6a.42 A successful submission will create a new ManagedJob resource with its own unique EPR for messaging. globusrun-ws will output this EPR to a file when requested, as the sole standard output when running in batch mode.

43 6a.43 Selecting a different host Example $ globusrun-ws –submit –F services/managedJobFactoryService –c /bin/echo hello

44 6a.44 Using an RSL file –f Similar to -c except job description held in a file. Example globusrun-ws –submit –f echo.xml where echo.xml is an RSL-2 file describing job.

45 6a.45 Contents of echo.xml /bin/echo hello

46 6a.46 Batch Submission -batch Results in ManagedJob EPR as the sole standard output (unless in quiet mode) and then exits. -o filename Created ManagedJob EPR written to file (if submission successful)

47 6a.47 Batch Job Submission $ globusrun-ws –submit –batch –o job_epr –s /bin/sleep 50 Submitting job…Done JoB ID: uuid:f9544174-60c5-11d9-97e3- 0002a5ad41e5 Termination time: 01/08/2005 16:05 GMT

48 6a.48 Monitoring Batch Submission -monitor Attaches to an existing job in interactive or interactive-streaming output modes. -j filename EPR for ManagedJob read from file.

49 6a.49 Monitoring Batch Job globusrun-ws –monitor –j job_epr job state: Active Current job state: CleanUp Current job state: Done Requesting original job description...Done. Destroying job...Done

50 6a.50 Batch Submission -status Reports the current state of the job and exits -kill Requests immediate cancellation of job and exits.

51 6a.51

52 6a.52 Input/Output RSL file can specify where stdout/err goes. Example /bin/echo /tmp hello job.out job.err …

53 6a.53 Stream Input/Output -s The standard output and standard error files of the job are monitored and data is written to the corresponding output of globusrun-ws. Allows streaming stdout/err during executing to the terminal.

54 6a.54 Stream output data files Can also “stream” output data files. Specify in RSL file where to.

55 6a.55 Example … file:///tmp/job.out gsiftp://host.domain:2811/ tmp/stage.out …

56 6a.56 Reliable File Transfer (RTF) Example … … /O=NCSU/OU=HPC/ Wilkinson 4 …

57 6a.57 Sources of GT 4 information “GRAM, RFT & Job Submission, Execution Management for GT4 Developers,” S. Martinb and P. Plaszczak, globusWorld, 2005, 3.9.4/execution/wsgram/user/globusrun-ws.html

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