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COMT 4/516: Leadership Seminar Leadership Concepts and Theories in Organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "COMT 4/516: Leadership Seminar Leadership Concepts and Theories in Organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMT 4/516: Leadership Seminar Leadership Concepts and Theories in Organizations

2 Ross: let’s be specific about the differences between leadership and management. It is the difference between influencing and coercing.

3 Following is a choice, being subordinate is an authority relationship When addressing subordinates always use baby talk!

4 Leaders vision real change, managers oversee production and sales.

5 Leaders seek mutual gain, managers coordinate subordinates’ activities for profit.

6 Greanleaf: servant leadership. (btw: Greanleaf’s book referenced on p 115 is really excellent, if you have time.) Ethical manipulation (service)

7 make the organization better

8 serve society

9 facilitate vision

10 delegate

11 manage information (share)

12 encourage internal motivation, commitment and pride

13 use authority as a last resort

14 more democratic culture (what a thought)

15 Work exists for the person as much as the person exists for the work... What requirements do you have for work?

16 This means that businesses exist to serve workers and users

17 Appropriate levels of trust "I will set a different tone. I will restore civility and respect to our national politics.... I will work with Republicans and reach out to Democrats... I will treat the other party with respect, and when we make progress, I will share the credit.... I will unite our nation, not divide it. I will bring Americans together." George Bush, April 2000

18 servant leadership is evolutionary Or is it that servant leadership is revolutionary?

19 the individual is subordinate to the group

20 a servant leader has a proactive bias

21 DePree: leadership as art Be a steward: leave a legacy

22 grow your people

23 strengthen ethical values

24 develop a healthy culture

25 be mature

26 be reasonable

27 Be knowledgeable (life-long learning, because knowledge is a process) Name some other professions that might fit this scenario.

28 maintain momentum

29 demand quality

30 model civility and respectful behavior

31 appreciate ambiguity

32 Burns: transactional and transforming leadership Transactional leadership means that we negotiate direction, goals, duties

33 transformational leadership additionally requires that we negotiate with a higher purpose in mind, to change who we are at work together for the better


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