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Status Venice, 30-Mar-1-Apr 2009 Philae STW 2009.

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1 Status Venice, 30-Mar-1-Apr 2009 Philae STW 2009

2 2 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Main Events with MUPUS participation (since last Philae STW)  PC#8  PC#9  Steins fly-by  Thermal Characterization 2

3 3 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 PC8 Summary  Software Patch V7.2 successfully uploaded  Burned to EEPROM x0000 after verification during PC8  MUPUS worked flawlessly during PC8  3 procedures executed  Active Checkout 1 (basic tests, repetition of PC4)  Active Checkout 2 (performance, revised version of PC4 test)  Inflight calibration (standard checkout procedure)  164 TC‘s send and executed without error  Detailed testing of nearly all MUPUS modes in different configurations  5610 science data packets produced without problems  Active thermal conductivity measurement mode tested first time in flight  Performance improved  ANC-M sampling frequency 47.8 kHz (from 33 kHz)  ANC-T measurements added to ANC mode  PEN and TM calibration (sensitivity loss confirmed) improved

4 4 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 PC8 THC Mode PEN12 heated with 150 mW for 20 minutes

5 5 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 MUPUS PEN calibration  PEN sensors calibrated on ground between -40°C and +50°C  Data of limited quality  Inflight calibration needed to cover low T expected for the comet  Method:  Use Pt-100 in the holder as reference  Assume that PEN tube and holder at the same temperature in equilibrium (before PENEL switched on, justified by TV test with PEN FS)  Interpolate resistance backward in time to start of PENEL preheating (equilibrium)  => R i =R i (T ref ), i=1,2,…,16  5 inflight calibration points between -107°C and -96°C points acquired since PC#6 PEN1 PEN16 TCU-MUPUS-DD Pt-100 PENEL, T=-50°C

6 6 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Steins Flyby Results  MUPUS worked flawlessly during Steins flyby  4607 science data packets produced during continous MUPUS TEM mode operations for 17 h around CA  No communication problems  Magnetometer measurements disturbed  Temperature rise of PHILAE balcony detected with all MUPUS sensors  Strong gradient after spacecraft flip (especially for ANC-T)  MUPUS inflight calibration data gives consistent PEN temperature readings

7 7 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 THC2 Results 1, PEN temperatures Using only inflight calibration points (linear extrapolation) !

8 8 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 THC2 Results 2 (Calibration comparison) - Most PEN sensors stable since ground calibration in 2001 - 5 PEN sensors have changed R(T) characteristics

9 9 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 THC2 Results 5 (ANC-T temperatures) - ANC-T temperatures not strongly dependent on E-Box temperature - Differences between ANC-T and TCU-Anchor sensors probably real

10 10 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 THC2 Summary  MUPUS worked flawlessly during THC2  7907 science data packets produced during continous MUPUS TEM mode operations for 75 hours  Strong temperature rise of PHILAE balcony detected with all MUPUS sensors  Highest balcony temperature recorded in flight  MUPUS inflight calibration gives consistent PEN temperature readings  5 PEN sensors changed R(T) characteristics since ground calibration  ANC-T temperatures consistent with TCU anchor sensors  Very useful for improvement of MUPUS calibration ! Thanks to LCC, SONC, and ESA !

11 11 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Experiment Status for Cruise  ScROP Requests closed  R_LZ021: MUP_8 Repetition of MUPUS PC4 Tests with revised MUPUS SW  R_ LZ023: MUP_13 MUPUS Software patch V7.2  R_LZ095: MUP_12 MUPUS Participation in PHILAE Thermal Characterization tests  Open ScROP Requests  R_LZ022: MUP_10 EEPROM refresh procedure  R_LZ070: MUP_11 MUPUS Participation in PHILAE interference tests  R_LZ071: MUP_15 Test of the MUPUS on-comet first science sequence procedure  R_LZ107: MUP_16 Test of the MUPUS on-comet monitoring procedure  NCR Status  All MUPUS NCR’s closed

12 12 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Remaining Cruise Activities  PC10 Operations  R_LZ017: MUP_4 MUPUS In-Flight Calibration  R_LZ070: MUP_11 MUPUS Participation in PHILAE interference tests  PC12 Operations  R_LZ017: MUP_4 MUPUS In-Flight Calibration  R_LZ022: MUP_10 EEPROM refresh procedure  R_LZ071: MUP_15 Test of the MUPUS on-comet first science sequence procedure (joint PHILAE test)  R_LZ107: MUP_16 Test of the MUPUS on-comet monitoring procedure (joint PHILAE test)  Lutetia Operations  Preferably as during Steins/THC2 (tbc, ROMAP ?)  PC13 Operations  R_LZ017: MUP_4 MUPUS In-Flight Calibration

13 13 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 MUPUS during SDL  TM calibration during descent (R-SDL-1, MUPUS FOP)  TM has lost sensitivity  Unique opportunity for inflight calibration with undisturbed known background  ANC-M acceleration measurements at touchdown (R-SDL-4)  Starts with pre-trigger (ringbuffer) mode (Interrupts enabled, SST evaluated)  Information from CDMS by SST about selected anchor for firing required at least 100 ms before firing (R-SDL-5)  ECR By MUPUS on CDMS raised 2006, CDMS fulfilled (A. Balasz)  INT4 (hardware) trigger starts sampling with 48 kHz for about 650 ms (1 RAM page, 64 kByte !), Interrupts disabled !  Pre-trigger mode, software checks SST again for either:  safe anchoring => finish ANC mode, start data transmission to CDMS  firing of next anchor, then data transmission to CDMS Read the FOP ! Minimum time (> 0.65 s) needed between two anchor shots to be analyzed !

14 14 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 SDL cont., ANC-T Thermal diffusivity  Extension of MUPUS operation during SDL until at least 1 h after touchdown for ANC-T thermal diffusivity measurement (R-SDL-6)  Deepest thermal properties measurement of a comet !  Combine with Thermal Inertia measurements (one full rotation ~ 12-13 h) during FSS (keep MUPUS ON for a full rotation of the comet) to save ressources. Read the FOP !

15 15 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 MUPUS during LTS  MUPUS is a longterm experiment aimed at detecting changes in subsurface structure caused by increasing activity  => Landing in an „active region“ (R-LT-2)  Activity is the KEY PROPERTY of a COMET !  MUPUS should be operated whenever feasible during LTS (R-LT-1)  Operation at least once a week for a full rotation (R-LT-3/4)

16 16 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Scientific activities  MUPUS Team Meeting in May 2009 (Graz)  MUPUS Flight operations (update of FOP)  Thermal properties measurement method  Assessment of reference methods and materials  Definition/Characterization of MUPUS internal standards  Lab experiments + thermal modelling  Improvement of temperature calibration  Thermal modelling + Lab Experiments  Science Themes Inputs  Delivered to Lead Scientists in August 2008  (Minor) update Feb. 2009  New approach for thermal modelling of active regions  Moving boundaries, Stefan problem (E. Kührt, N. Gortzas)

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