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Critical Design Review: Dead Reckoning System for Mobile Robots Lee FithianSteven Parkinson Ajay JosephSaba Rizvi.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Design Review: Dead Reckoning System for Mobile Robots Lee FithianSteven Parkinson Ajay JosephSaba Rizvi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Design Review: Dead Reckoning System for Mobile Robots Lee FithianSteven Parkinson Ajay JosephSaba Rizvi

2 Problem Statement  Use a mobile robot and develop a synthesized navigation algorithm.  We will integrate various sensors.

3 Modules I. Sensor Interface I. Produces output from the electrical inputs it receives; x-, y-distance traveled & heading II. Navigation I. Allows for different methods to be used regardless of input and output needs III. Movement I. Controls motors; can be modified if motors are changed

4 Accelerometer

5  Created an algorithm that changes electrical output into position data.  A(g) = (T1/T2 – 0.5)/12.5%  Pos = (A(g) * t^2)/2  Pos = Pos Start + Pos New

6 Shaft encoder

7 Shaft Encoder  D = (Left D + Right D) / 2  Θ = (Left D – Right D) / b  X = D * cos(Θ)  Y = D * sin(Θ)

8 Gyroscope

9 Compass

10 Merging Data  Average positions calculated from sensors  Weighted average of positions calculated from sensors  Use sensors calculations for certain tasks and scale the results

11 Problems  Basic Misunderstanding of problem statement  OOPic limitations  Counter usage, frequency generator  Delay of parts  Building robot vs. assembly of robot

12 Changes  Added sensors  Compass, gyroscope  Upgraded OOPic  Memory, Faster uC  Added protoboard  Switched to rechargeable batteries  Integrated sensor for position calculation

13 Circuit Diagram

14 Conclusion  Construction  Mark III based robot with shaft encoders, accelerometers, compass, gyroscope  Validation to ensure systems work at a basic level  Experimentation  Use dead reckoning navigation in trials.  Record trials on butcher paper  Analysis  Numerical analysis of accuracy of navigation method.

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