Cross-border co-operation programme under the European Territorial Co-operation objective.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-border co-operation programme under the European Territorial Co-operation objective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-border co-operation programme under the European Territorial Co-operation objective

2 The Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013 is a cross-border co-operation programme in the Baltic Sea area approved by EC on 21 December 2007. Implemented under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.


4 PRIORITIES 1.Safe and Healthy Environment (Developing waste water management, environmental education for municipal workers) 2. Economically Competitive and Innovative Region (Helping SMEs grow in the region, supporting the region in globalisation and Asian markets, studying cargo flows in the Gulf of Finland) 3. Attractive and Dynamic Societies (Mapping and preserving valuable cultural heritage in forests, empowering elderly people through self-help methods, improving access to music education for the people with special needs)

5 Central Baltic Programme Southern Finland – Estonia sub-programme Archipelago and Islands sub-programme CENTRAL BALTIC INTERREG IV A PROGRAMME 2007–2013

6 Central Baltic Programme (54 %) Archipelago and Islands Sub-programme (18 %) Southern Finland – Estonia Sub-programme (28 %) 8814 24,5 14 10,5 6 7,5 3,5 Safe and healthy environment (28 MEUR) Economically competitive and innovative region (42,5 MEUR) Attractive and dynamic societies (25,5 MEUR) Total 52,5 MEUR Total 26,5 MEUR Total 17 MEUR DIVISION OF ERDF FUNDING BY (SUB-)PROGRAMME (Total funding 96 MEUR, without TA)

7 FINANCIAL ISSUES ERDF CO-FINANCING RATE: Up to 75 % of the eligible expenditure of partners in Finland and Sweden Up to 85 % of the eligible expenditure of partners in Latvia and Estonia

8 ELIGIBLE PARTNERS - Local and regional authorities - State organisations - Organisations established for general interest needs - Non-governmental organisations - Private enterprises (ONLY in Southern Finland – Estonia sub-programme)


10 Priority 1 Safe and healthy environment Environmental awareness raising and expertise Supporting sustainable spatial planning and environmental management Priority 2 Economically competitive and innovative region Supporting innovation and improving competitiveness Improving internal and external accessibility Optimising the potential of the labour force Priority 3 Attractive and dynamic societies Improving living conditions and social inclusion Increasing cultural exchange


12 Priority 1 Safe and healthy environment Maintaining and improving the condition of the natural environment Taking responsibility for our physical environment Priority 2 Economically competitive and innovative region Improving connections within the programme area Creating and supporting innovative and competitive environments Meeting challenges of the labour market Priority 3 Attractive and dynamic societies Social security and well-being of different groups in society Stimulating and preserving our heritage and culture


14 Priority 1 Safe and healthy environment Sustainable infrastructure Raising environmental awareness (finding new ways) Priority 2 Economically competitive and innovative region Sustainable tourism Knowledge based economy Developing archipelago and island specific economic activities – traditional small scale farming, fishing, handicrafts, maritime heritage etc. Supporting accessibility to and information about the archipelago and the islands Priority 3 Attractive and dynamic societies Social and democraphic issues, especially young people

15 the Joint Technical Secretariat Main Office Turku Sub-Secretariat Tallinn Sub-Secretariat Mariehamn Info Point Riga Info Point Stockholm

16 the Managing Authority The Regional Council of Southwest Finland

17 1st call June 18 – September 18, 2008 2nd March 9 – April 15, 2009 3rd September 15 – October 15, 2009 …and more in 2010…

18 FIRST CALL OUTCOMES All received applications Approved projects Number of5019 Total ERDF37.5 MEUR13.6 MEUR Average project total budget 960.000 EUR900.000 EUR Average ERDF per project 750.000 EUR717.000 EUR

19 SECOND CALL RECEIVED APPLICATIONS All received applications Number of48 Total ERDF35.8 MEUR Average project total budget 948.000 EUR Average ERDF per project 745.000 EUR

20 More information: The Joint Technical Secretariat Central Baltic mailing list Thank you!

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