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Fetal Haemolytic Disease. Maternal antibodies develop against fetal red blood cells IgG antibodies cross the placenta Haemolysis, anaemia, high-output.

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Presentation on theme: "Fetal Haemolytic Disease. Maternal antibodies develop against fetal red blood cells IgG antibodies cross the placenta Haemolysis, anaemia, high-output."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fetal Haemolytic Disease

2 Maternal antibodies develop against fetal red blood cells IgG antibodies cross the placenta Haemolysis, anaemia, high-output cardiac failure & death

3 Usually a problem with subsequent pregnancies but may occur in the index pregnancy

4 Causes ABO – does not usually cause significant haemolytic disease. Anti-Kell – causes fetal bone marrow aplasia. Rhesus – D antigenanti-D c antigenanti-c E antigenanti-E

5 Incidence Approx 17% of the population is Rh-ve 10% of women at risk of developing anti-D. Incidence 1/1000 pregnancies

6 Predisposing Factors Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy Invasive procedures ECV Abdominal trauma Antepartum haemorrhage Labour and birth

7 Initial exposure Small IgM response Subsequent exposure Large IgG response

8 IgG crosses placenta Forms antigen-antibody complex on red cell Red cells phagocytosed Anaemia and haemolysis

9 Anaemia Fetal hypoxia Hepatic and cardiac dysfunction Oedema, ascites, pericardial & pleural effusions - HYDROPS

10 Haemolysis Increased bilirubin Jaundice postnatally Kernicterus

11 Prevention Anti-D after any sensitizing episode after 12 weeks Consider routine prophylaxis

12 Management Check antibodies at booking and 3 rd trimester If antibodies present – check antibody levels every 4 weeks to 28 weeks and then 2-weekly to term <4IU/ml – severe disease rare 4-15IU/ml – moderate risk >15IU/ml – 50% risk of severe anaemia

13 Check paternal genotype D antigen autosomal dominant Father DD – fetus Rh positive Father d/D – 50% chance that fetus will be Rh+ve

14 Measurement of blood velocity in middle cerebral artery. Hyperkinetic circulation correlates with fetal anaemia and need for further treatment.

15 Anti-D for sensitising events after 12 weeks. If anti-D antibodies present do not give more anti-D. Serial measurements of Anti-D levels. Observe for signs of fetal anemia – if anemic transfuse or deliver.


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