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How to become the most Googled person in your library Tara Coleman LOEX of the West June 5, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "How to become the most Googled person in your library Tara Coleman LOEX of the West June 5, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to become the most Googled person in your library Tara Coleman LOEX of the West June 5, 2008

2 Graduate School Bizzell Library, University of Oklahoma

3 First grown-up job! Hale Library, Kansas State University

4 Subject guides, are they useful?

5 Too much to show, not enough time

6 Library sessions are boring

7 What do people like to look at online?

8 Subject guide changes Databases Links Handouts Kept Added

9 Subject guide changes

10 Google search appliance!

11 K-State homepage

12 Outreach

13 Instruction changes


15 Meebo is a hit

16 Web statistics surprises

17 Feedback Did you go to the Libraries' Kinesiology web page? (If yes, did you find the information helpful for your assignment?) Yes 54.1% (33 responses) ‏ No 45.9% (28 responses) ‏

18 Feedback If you needed help, did you think it was easy to get a hold of the librarian? Yes 70.49% (43 responses) ‏ No 4.92% (3 responses) ‏ Kinda 22.95% (14 responses) ‏ N/R 1.6% (1 response)

19 What’s next?

20 Google me if you have questions

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