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MPEG-2, 4 Standard Digital Video Decoder Group 18a.

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Presentation on theme: "MPEG-2, 4 Standard Digital Video Decoder Group 18a."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPEG-2, 4 Standard Digital Video Decoder Group 18a

2 MPEG (Motion Pictures Expert Group)  A committee of researchers from all over the world meet and discuss the standards of digital video compression.  So far there are five standards: u MPEG-1 -- Used for VideoCD and movie clips and music on the Internet…mp3 comes from MPEG-1 audio layer 3. u MPEG-2 -- Used for Broadcast Digital TV, DVD, and HDTV. u MPEG-4 -- Used for low bit-rate video (internet and low- bandwidth satellite communications. u MPEG-7 -- Standard being set for Videophones of the future. u MPEG-21 -- New standard that addresses MPEG-2’s current problems with better solutions.

3 MPEG-1 Standard  Currently used in some countries as a Video Standard for Video CDs.  Bit rate is around 250 Kilobits per Second…which means about 50 minutes of video can fit on a regular CD.  MP3s are basically MPEG- 1’s 3rd audio layer, which is left-right sound. ©1999 Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved

4 MPEG-2 Standard  Used for Digital Video Broadcasting  Bit rate is around 20 Mbits/Second  MPEG-3 was going to be the HDTV standard, but it is now part of MPEG-2.  Used for DSS, DVD, HDTV and new Digital VCRs and camcorders. ©1997 Paramount Pictures All Rights Reserved

5 MPEG-4 Standard  This is the standard our project is working with.  Rockwell Collins Inc. uses this standard for television viewing on airplanes using a low bandwidth broadcast satellite from space.  Bit rate of 64 kilobits/sec -- 10 Mbits/sec depending on usage.  This standard is also a standard for internet video and audio. It encompasses VRML and object-oriented video along with regular digital video.  MPEG-4 Camcorders are also becoming readily available due to the ability to record 1 hour of video on a 32 MB Data Chip.

6 MPEG-7, 21  MPEG-7 is the future for Video Phone communications.  MPEG-21 is the future of MPEG-2 and addresses the problems currently associated with that standard.

7 Problems with MPEG  The higher the compression, the “lossier” the video: u Digital Artifacts appear:  Blockiness  Mosquito Pattern  Motion Errors  Our Design is to minimize these artifacts in highly compressed video

8 Our project is to take the MPEG video stream and decode it, while applying a filter to make the video look better by reducing the digital artifacts (“blockiness”, etc.) Digital Artifacts Present Filter applied and artifacts are removed.

9 MPEG is the future of Digital Video For more information on MPEG, go to the website:

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