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Personal Activity Program

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1 Personal Activity Program
Ms. Smialek

2 Setting Goals Set realistic goals Vary your activities / Cross Train
Different environments P.E. class Sport Teams Home Follow the recommendations: 3-5 days a week (aerobic) 2-3 days a week (anaerobic) 30-60 minutes


4 Choosing Activities Cost Where you live Your level of health
Time and place Personal Safety Comprehensive planning

5 Basic Program Principles
Overload Working the body harder than normally worked Progression Gradual ↑in overload to achieve higher fitness Specificity Focus on a certain health-related element

6 Three basic stages Warm-up: prepares the muscle for work
Allows the heart rate to gradually ↑ Begin with cardio 5-8 minutes Stretch 10 minutes

7 Three basic stages Workout: activity performed at its highest peak
Need to follow the F.I.T.T. formula: F = Frequency I = Intensity T = Time T = Type (aerobic & anaerobic)

8 Three basic stages Cool-down: prepares the muscles to return to rest state Finish: Easy jog Stretching

9 Monitoring your Progress
Keep a journal List your goals Note the F.I.T.T. for each participation Keep track of your resting heart rate Evaluate progress after 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and so on

10 Mini Quiz Identify and define the three basic fitness principles.
What do the letters in F.I.T.T stand for? Identify and define the three stages of a program.

11 Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
The best time to find out your RHR is in the morning. The heart beats about 60 to 80 times a minute when we're at rest. RHR usually rises with age, and it's generally lower in physically fit people. Two places to find your pulse: neck and wrist using your first two fingers. Count the # of beats for 10 sec. then x by 6 = RHR

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