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Image indexing and Retrieval Using Histogram Based Methods

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1 Image indexing and Retrieval Using Histogram Based Methods
03/5/1 資工研一 陳慶鋒

2 Outline Color histogram Histogram refinement Color correlogram
Pros. and Cons. Future work References

3 General formula in successful IR
A feature vector f(I) for image I I and I’ are not “similar” if and only if |f(I)-f(I’)| is large f(.) should be fast to compute f(I) should be small in size

4 Color histogram For a nn with m colors image I,
the color histogram is where p為屬於I的pixel, I(p)為其顏色 , ,for

5 Color histogram (cont.)
Distance measure: 令原圖為I,欲比對的圖為I’ 在比對上使用L1-distance : 比對方式:thresholding

6 Color histogram (cont.2)
Advantages -trivial to compute -robust against small changes in camera viewpoint Disadvantages -without any spatial information

7 Histogram refinement The pixels of a given bucket are subdivided into classes based on local feature. Within a given bucket , only pixels in the same class are compared. The local feature which this paper used: Color Coherence Vectors(CCVs)

8 Histogram refinement (cont.)
CCVs For the discretized color j, the pixels with color j are coherence if they are adjacent(using eight-neighbor), indicated as j, otherwise are incoherence, indicated as j, and total pixel with color j= j+ j, a threshold  is defined as the condition of coherence or not for color j, the coherence pair is (j, j)

9 Histogram refinement (cont.2)
CCVs (cont.) Comparing CCV with L1 distance: Distance measure: 比對方式: thresholding

10 Histogram refinement (cont.3)
Extension Centering refinement Successive refinement

11 Color correlograms A new image feature
Robust against large changes in camera viewpoint

12 Color correlograms (cont.)
A table indexed by color pairs, where the k-th entry for color pair <i, j> specifies the probability of finding a pixel of color j at a distance k from a pixel of color i in the image. The correlogram is The autocorrelogram is

13 Color correlograms (cont.2)
Properties: -Contains spatial correlation of colors -Easy to compute -The size of feature is fairly small (O(md))

14 Pros and Cons Performance in IR
correlogram > refinement > histogram Time complexity histogram > refinement > correlogram * “>” is “better than”

15 Future work Implement color correlogram Study more about tech of CBIR

16 References [1] G. Pass and R.Zabih, “histogram refinement for content based image retrieval,” IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, pp , 1996 [2] J. Huang, S. R. Kumar, M. Mitra, W. J. Zhu, and R.Zabih, “Image indexing using color correlograms,” Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognit., pp ,1997 [3]G. Pass, R. Zabih, and J. Miller, “Comparing images using color coherence vectors”, Proc. of ACM Multimedia 96, pp , Boston MA USA, 1996

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