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From GMSB to Photons plus Missing E t : Some Thoughts on Model Independence SUSY/E t Miss “Kickoff” Meeting February 5, 2010 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP.

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Presentation on theme: "From GMSB to Photons plus Missing E t : Some Thoughts on Model Independence SUSY/E t Miss “Kickoff” Meeting February 5, 2010 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP."— Presentation transcript:

1 From GMSB to Photons plus Missing E t : Some Thoughts on Model Independence SUSY/E t Miss “Kickoff” Meeting February 5, 2010 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP

2 Concern (expressed by audience member during a prior presentation by our group): The group has tuned its analysis on (essentially) one GMSB trajectory. What if SUSY chooses some other way to manifest photon + E t Miss signature(s)? In other words: how model independent is our approach; i.e., are we the GMSB group or the photons plus missing Et signature group? As pointed out, from an experimental standpoint, the latter is more justifiable.

3 So, we agree model independence is laudable. Problem: you can’t tune an analysis without a model (or at least, an ad-hoc signature) to preserve while exploring ways to reject backgrounds. Observation: Two photons is quite a robust signature. Trouble would probably arise from single-photon signatures. So: Is there any photon + MET SUSY signature that would suffer from requiring two photons?  Are there single-photon plus MET SUSY signatures?

4 Yes (perhaps)… GMSB (non-minimal) Certain parts of MSSM can have significant radiative decays Under what conditions? Consult Gunion & Haber, hep-ph/9806330 (general picture) Ambrosanio and Mele, Phys. Rev D 55, 1399 (1997) (Radiative scenarios in MSSM)

5 Photons in “Standard” GMSB For us, GMSB phenomenology is NLSP   G, where “G” is gravitino: In much of (minimal) GMSB parameter space the NLSP is a  0 that is essentially the B-ino, decaying via  0  ( ,Z) G with the Z channel suppressed by tan 2  W, and by kinematics (depending on  0 mass). Thus, NLSP decay is dominated by  G, and we get two photons in a majority of events.

6 Photons in Generic GMSB If the NLSP (  0 ) is mostly Higgs-ino or W-ino (or a mixture of the two), the  G decay will be suppressed. In this case, single-photon searches may be more optimal, and there would be fewer  +MET events overall  We might miss this signature with our current analysis

7 Single Photon Signatures in MSSM Consider (fairly common) region of parameter space for which  1 0 is LSP. Common end-of-chain decay is  2 0   1 0 + X, with X dominated by tree-level two-fermion (f f ) decay. Radiative decays  2 0   1 0  occur at loop level, and are g 2 -suppressed. However, there are two regimes (“dynamical” and “kinematic”) for which  2 0   1 0 f f can be even more heavily suppressed than  2 0  1 0  …

8 Dynamical Suppression Tree level decays require  1 0,  2 0 to have simultaneous Higgs-ino or simultaneous gauge-ino components. There is no similar constraint on loop-level decays. Kinematic Suppression Mass degeneracy M(  2 0 )  M(  1 0 ) closes off phase- space more quickly for three-body (tree-level) decay relative to two-body (radiative decay) Together, these can suppress f f decay relative radiative decay, leading to appreciable photonic decay rates.  Again, single-photon signatures may provide best signal.

9 Proposal (Schumm, Kuhl, Hayward) Begin with “standard” SPS-8 GMSB, and alter  1 0 branching fraction by hand to point at which single- photon signatures might provide best approach. Explore performance of two-photon vs. single-photon analyses as a function of photon BF. May well discover that signal becomes undetectable for photonic BFs that favor single-photon analysis. Or not – would be instructive either way. Thoughts?

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