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General Education Writing Across the Curriculum Retreat Session III: Mission and Objectives for Gen Ed / WAC Program October 6, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "General Education Writing Across the Curriculum Retreat Session III: Mission and Objectives for Gen Ed / WAC Program October 6, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Education Writing Across the Curriculum Retreat Session III: Mission and Objectives for Gen Ed / WAC Program October 6, 2006

2 Goals for the Session Review terms/definitions for WAC Programs Examine sample objectives/outcomes Construct possible objectives/outcomes for UNLV Examine sample mission statements Construct possible mission statements for UNLV Discuss differences between WAC and CAC

3 Starting Points Assumptions about writing Define WID Define WAC Define CAC

4 Points to Keep in Mind University, Department, Program, Course Horizontal AND Vertical –100-level, 200-level, 300-level, 400-level Coherence AND Consistency Bloom’s Taxonomy

5 Questions to Keep in Mind What are expectations for writing ability at the 100 level? At the 200 level? At the 300 level? At the 400 level? In your program? In your department? In your college? At the university? How might we translate these expectations into objectives/goals for WAC and then into outcomes for course, program, department?

6 Defining Objectives Broad goals that describe what the learners are supposed to know or be able to do Stated in general terms May be based upon –Needs of the learner –Needs of academic community or unit –Needs of society Normally not observed or measured Supported and defined by one or more specific outcomes

7 Defining Outcomes Name specific competencies to be achieved Expressed in key verbs Used to communicate expectations Provide a framework for learners Focused on observable and assessable actions or behaviors Employed in assessing educational practices

8 Defining Missions Brief statement of a unit’s fundamental purpose and/or philosophy Articulates purpose for both unit (internal) and public (external) Ensures everyone is “on the same page” Serves as basis for future planning

9 Examining Sample Objectives Review sample objectives and goals from: –University of Arizona –University of Pittsburgh –Clemson University –Louisiana State University As a small group: –Name key features present –Analyze features for application at UNLV –Offer best examples

10 Sample Outcomes Review sample outcomes from: –University of Nevada, Las Vegas –Wright State University As a small group: –Name key features present –Analyze features for application at UNLV –Offer best examples

11 Constructing Objectives and Outcomes Individual Freewrite: –Describe WAC program objectives that might work most effectively with outcomes you might name for your specific unit (program/course) As a small group: –Compare individual insights –Construct 2-3 WAC objectives for UNLV that might operate effectively at the university level (see Verbs list for possible key words)

12 Examining Sample Mission Statements Review sample mission statements from: –University of Missouri Columbia –North Carolina State –University of Arizona As a small group: –Name key features present –Analyze features for application at UNLV –Offer best examples

13 Constructing a Mission Statement As a small group: –Based on your WAC objectives, construct a mission statement that accurately reflects a philosophy important for UNLV’s academic environment –Share with large group and justify your statement

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