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Digitale medier: formidling og design 1. marts 2007 Kvalitativ metode.

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1 Digitale medier: formidling og design 1. marts 2007 Kvalitativ metode

2 Qualitative interviews Two types: –Semistructured interviews with single respondent (depth interviews) –Semistructured interview with a group of respondents (focus group) Other methods: –Survey (usually considered quantitative) –Participant observation

3 Objectives Overall: –Understanding different perspectives on a social reality Specifically: –Providing ’thick description’ –Develop concepts –Testing expectations and hypotheses –Combinations with other methods

4 Preparations Develop theoretical or conceptual framework or Work within the framework of Grounded Theory

5 Two questions What to ask: topic guide –read the literature –reconnaissance of the field –discussions with experienced colleagues –creative thinking Whom to talk to –how to select (not sample) respondents –the objective is to maximize the opportunity to understand the different positions taken by members of this social milieu Da: Interviewguide

6 How many interviews? It depends… –However, each researcher can handle a maximum of 15-25 individual interviews or 6-8 focus groups per phase (and multiple phases are rare for practical reasons) –3-4 interviews or one focus group are usually required to say anything meaningful at all –Most researchers would probably consider it reasonable to stop when interviews no longer generate new opinions

7 Depth interview Dyadic interaction Role of interviewer: to put the interviewee at ease and establish rapport Result: Personal worldview of interviewee explored in detail

8 Depth interview method 1-1½ hours Carefully prepared topic guide (da: interviewguide) Intro –Purpose –Thanks –Permission to record First questions straightforward, interesting, unthreatening End on a positive note

9 Analysis Transscription –Partial transscription may be acceptable in student papers –Transscription guide in Danish Marking and highlighting –Matrix may help CAQDAS

10 Focus group Development of shared identity Role of interviewer: catalyst for social interaction Result: 1.Synergy (group is more than the sum of its parts) 2.Group process exposed (opinion change; opinion leadership) 3.Emotional involvement

11 Focus group method Typical focus group stages in 90 minute session –Forming –Storming –Norming –Performing (15-45 minutes) –Mourning

12 Stimulation materials Free association Picture/issue sorting Role playing

13 Steps in qualitative interviewing 1.Prepare the topic guide 2.Select the method of interviewing: individual, group or a combination 3.Design a strategy for the selection of respondents 4.Conduct the interviews 5.Transscribe the interviews 6.Analyse the text corpus

14 Kvales syv stadier 1.Tematisering 2.Design 3.Interview 4.Transskribering 5.Analyse 6.Verificering 7.Rapportering Kvale, S. (1997). InterView. En introduktion til det kvalitative forskningsinterview (B. Nake, Trans. 2. udgave). København: Hans Reitzels Forlag. Original Publication: 1994, ISBN: 8741228162. S. 95.

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