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By: Mark Bright and Mike Donaldson Advisor: Dr. Gary Dempsey.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Mark Bright and Mike Donaldson Advisor: Dr. Gary Dempsey."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Mark Bright and Mike Donaldson Advisor: Dr. Gary Dempsey

2  Project Goal  System Applications  Thermal Plant Overview  Engine Side  Thermal Side

3 The goal of our Engine Control Workstation is to simulate thermal environments that are found in liquid-based cooling systems. With this system we created several different control methods via MATLAB and Simulink working together to control both the engine and thermal transient and steady state responses.

4 Car Application PC Application The overall goal of this project is to protect the motor with varying loads with minimum energy usage

5 Engine Side Circuitry Thermal Side Circuitry

6 Engine DSP Board Thermal DSP Board

7 Generator Thermistor Flowmeter Pump Pittman Motor Cooling Blocks








15 Thermal Comparison Pittman Motor  Tmax = 311 deg F  Thermal impedance 75.9 deg F/watt  (2.9 A)^2 * (3.91 ohm) = 36 watts  36W * (75.9 deg F/watt) = 2732 deg F

16 Engine Side Goals Engine Control:  Minimize C-code and execution time  Learn Auto-Code generation platform of Simulink/DSP interface  Design software for PWM generation and velocity calculation from rotary encoder.  Design closed-loop controllers for velocity and acceleration control.

17  32 bit Processor  150 MHz Clock  16 A/D Channels  12 PWM Digital I/O Channels  128K on-chip Flash Memory  9 Ports Total  3.3v Supply  Interfaced to PC by serial port  Inputs and output go through level- shifter IC (5v to 3.3v / 3.3v to 5v)

18 User Interaction: Set RPM and Gain System DesignSimulink Model MATLAB GUI Code Composer Auto Code Generated C Code TI 2812 DSP Board PWM Output to Drive Motor

19  Both encoder channels from the Pittman motor are offset from each other  Pulses are wired into the DSP board Port 8 – pins 6 and 7  2 counts can be obtained per period for each channel – 4 times as many counts  Allows for Steady State Error of ± 5 RPM  Simulink codes this as inner shaft RPM, which must be converted to outer shaft RPM – 5.9:1 gear ratio  Drag QEP Block into Simulink diagram to implement

20  Data sent to GUI is set here  Model is used to generate Code Composer C code  P, PI, and FF Control Implemented

21  Data sent to GUI is set here  Model is used to generate Code Composer C code  P, PI, and FF Control Implemented

22  Data sent to GUI is set here  Model is used to generate Code Composer C code  P, PI, and FF Control Implemented

23  Data sent to GUI is set here  Model is used to generate Code Composer C code  P, PI, and FF Control Implemented

24  Data sent to GUI is set here  Model is used to generate Code Composer C code  P, PI, and FF Control Implemented

25  Data sent to GUI is set here  Model is used to generate Code Composer C code  P, PI, and FF Control Implemented Desired RPM Actual RPM Controller Output PWM Duty Cycle

26  Simulation model started where the 2008 mini project left off  Bilinear Transform converted analog controllers to digital controllers  P, PI, and FF Control Implemented

27 Gp = ______________ (s/146+1)(s/776+1) ______________ (s/146+1) (s/1460+1)17.1 FF=Gp = 17.1

28 Simulation:  596 RPM input  FF Output is 17 RPM  Impulse duration was 2mS Actual:  596 RPM input  FF Output is 17 RPM  As expected from simulation

29  100 RPM Step Input  FF Control decreases response time by 20 mS  Less overshoot  Smaller time to first peak FF Compensation PI Control Only RPM vs Time (ms) plot

30  Start, Type “guide” in MATLAB  GUI can be designed here with many components  Once designed, MATLAB creates an.m file and.fig file MATLAB GUI Design

31  GUI created in MATLAB and interfaced to Simulink Model  Plots Motor RPM, PWM Duty Cycle, Transient Response, and both PI and Feed Forward Controller Output  User can input desired RPM: 0 to 834 RPM  Optimal controller gains loaded at startup, but user can control both the gain and type of control  GUI updates in real time

32 numMsgsOchan1 = r.msgcount('ochan1'); if (numMsgsOchan1) speed = r.readmsg('ochan1', 'int32'); end numMsgsOchan2 = r.msgcount('ochan2'); if (numMsgsOchan2) pid = r.readmsg('ochan2', 'int32'); end numMsgsOchan3 = r.msgcount('ochan3'); if (numMsgsOchan3) RPM = r.readmsg('ochan3', 'int32'); end numMsgsOchan4 = r.msgcount('ochan4'); if (numMsgsOchan4) PI_Out = r.readmsg('ochan4', 'int32'); end numMsgsOchan5 = r.msgcount('ochan5'); if (numMsgsOchan5) FFOut = r.readmsg('ochan5', 'int32'); end

33 if ((numMsgsOchan1 ~=0) && (numMsgsOchan2 ~= 0) && (numMsgsOchan3 ~= 0) && (numMsgsOchan4 ~= 0) && (numMsgsOchan5 ~= 0)) axes(handles.axes3); plot(handles.axes3,x_axis1, RPM); title(handles.axes3,'Measured speed of the Motor'); xlabel(handles.axes3,'t (s)'); ylabel(handles.axes3,'Speed (RPM)'); grid(handles.axes3,'on'); axis(handles.axes3,[0 5 1 850]); axes(handles.axes4); cycle = double(pid); plot(handles.axes4,x_axis1, cycle); title(handles.axes4,'Duty Cycle of the PWM Waveform'); xlabel(handles.axes4,'t (s)'); ylabel(handles.axes4,'Duty Cycle (%) '); grid(handles.axes4,'on'); axis(handles.axes4,[0 5 1 100]);

34  Acceleration Control ◦ Adjustable Feed Forward control with different types of input commands: combos of ramps, steps, and parabolic. Load changes can simulate hills and different road conditions.  CAN Bus Interface ◦ Use the DSP board’s CAN bus to send data between the boards. This would allow for a main GUI to control both sides of the system.  Data Logging Feature ◦ Allow for a user to tune controllers and compare results. Could implement a new EE431 / 432 homework or design project around the system.  Set Control Points for Thermal and Engine Response ◦ Set desired temperature for a change in the coolant as well as a engine RPM governor based on load conditions


36 Hardware Interfacing

37  Variable Resistance  Anti-aliasing filter

38  Use PWM to drive Pump/Fan  Interface from digital to analog  Average Voltage seen by the device

39  Opto-Isolator  TIP120 choice  Design for 3A Opto-Isolator

40  LPF to ‘DC’ the PWM  Ideal Op Amp theory  Voltage @ Input = Voltage @ Pump Opto-Isolator

41 DSP/Simulink Data-Logging

42  Conversion of A/D Value to Temperature  Excel Trendline Simulink Data-Logging

43  Conversion of A/D Value to Temperature  Excel Trendline Simulink Data-Logging

44  Conversion of A/D Value to Temperature  Excel Trendline Simulink Data-Logging

45  Conversion of A/D Value to Temperature  Excel Trendline Simulink Data-Logging

46 Simulink Data-Logging cont.  Datatype conversions  Function auto-code generated

47 Simulink Data-Logging cont.  Datatype conversions  Function auto-code generated

48 Logging The Data

49 Model vs. Actual

50 Final Simulink Model

51 Thermal Model

52 Noise Addition

53 Anti-Aliasing Hardware

54 Software Conversion

55 Energy Management

56 Power Consumption

57 Heat Addition

58 Final Simulink Auto-Code Block









67 Controller Types  Bang – Bang  Improved Bang Bang  P Control  PI Control

68 Bang – Bang Control 300 Watts/ Min

69 Improved Bang-Bang Control 211 Watts / Min

70 P Control 62 Watts / Min

71 PI Control 143 Watts / Min

72 Thermal Efficiency (Degrees F/Watts) Pump PWM% Fan PWM%

73 Further Thermal Development  Supervisory Control  Further improvement by utilizing Pump and Fan cooling efficiencies  Faster PID Control  Use of more temperature sensors  Use of CAN bus

74  Nick Schmidt ◦ Case Assembly ◦ Hardware Assembly  Dr. Dempsey ◦ Case Assembly ◦ Hardware Assembly


76 P Control – Crossover Freq  Plant Wc is at 899 rad/sec  P Control System Wc was at 164 rad/sec  Gain =.08  Phase Margin with P control: ◦ 115 Gp = __________________ (s/146+1)(s/776+1) 17.1


78  Gp(s) =K * 1/(Tc(s)+1) * e^-(s)Td  Pump/Plant ◦ K = (-.8 degrees F / 6.4 V) ◦ Tc = 20 ◦ Td = 6  Fan/Plant ◦ K = (-9.6 degrees F / 13V) ◦ Tc = 12 ◦ Td = 15

79  P-Pump ◦ Wc =.148 radians PM = 105 GM =22.1dB  P-Fan ◦ Wc = ? PM = undefined GM =29.4dB  PI-Pump ◦ Wc =.39 radians PM = -139 GM =16.1dB  P-Pump ◦ Wc =.0966 radians PM = -48 GM =-15.92dB

80 Reading the data  OCHAN’s allow for data to be outputted to: ◦ GUI ◦ Workspace

81 H-Bridge Servo Amplifier  PWM Brush Type Servo Amplifer – Model 10A8DD  Protected for over- voltage and over- current  DC Supply Voltage: 20- 80v  Peak Current: ±10A  Maximum Continuous Current: ±6A

82 Active Load

83 Conversions (A/D to Temp, PWM% to Watts

84 Energy Management

85 Heat Addition

86 Power

87 Thermal

88 Noise

89 Software Conversion

90 Opto-Isolator 4N25

91 LMC6482 Op-Amp

92 TIP 120 Power Amp

93 MC7801 12-Volt regulator

94 SN74.. Level-shifter


96 Flowmeter Graph

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