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OVERHEAD REDUCTION TASK FORCE Part II. Meeting with Dixon u Both pushed upwards to get: u A good team design (composition/small size/good skills mix)

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2 Meeting with Dixon u Both pushed upwards to get: u A good team design (composition/small size/good skills mix) u Commitment of resources u Top management support in the form of Dixon launching the task force u Both did so successfully in their own way using their own styles

3 Team Launch u Both were uncompromising and authoritative about the ends states to be achieved u Both were equally insistent that the group determine the means u Both established clear boundaries (e.g.., closing the door, using names, referring to the team as an entity) u Both set basic norms of conduct and parameters u Although emphasized that the team was responsible to manage itself, there were some definite do’s and don'ts (confidentiality, can’t terminate the newest employees) u Both accomplished these objectives in their own way using very different styles u So what should Larry/Lara try to accomplish in the first meeting?

4 STAGES OF TEAM DEVELOPMENT u Forming u Let concerns be aired u Provide reassurance u Nudge the group toward the task u Ask for commitment u Storming

5 STAGES OF TEAM DEVELOPMENT u Forming u Let concerns be aired u Provide reassurance u Nudge the group toward the task u Ask for commitment u Storming u Norming u Performing

6 STAGES OF TEAM DEVELOPMENT u Forming u Let concerns be aired u Provide reassurance u Nudge the group toward the task u Ask for commitment u Storming u Norming u Performing u Adjourning

7 ORTF: LESSONS LEARNED u Team leader’s job u Ensure favorable conditions u Upward and lateral influence for effective design u Coaching members to take full advantage of the situation u Consider timing u Coach the group through the stages of group development u Maximize process gains and minimize process losses

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