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Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects Dick Seligman Tracey Fraser.

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Presentation on theme: "Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects Dick Seligman Tracey Fraser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects Dick Seligman Tracey Fraser

2 Overview Policy Procedures Examples

3 What’s the Policy? Committed cost sharing on a sponsored project is a binding obligation that must be satisfied in accordance with the sponsor’s requirements Offer cost sharing only when required by the sponsor

4 Types of Cost Sharing Committed Must be tracked, documented, and in some cases, reported Uncommitted Does not have to be tracked or recorded

5 Sources of Cost Sharing Cash the commitment of unrestricted Institute funds made available in support of a project e.g. faculty effort (include associated fringe benefits and indirect costs) Third Party Contributions E.g. donation of equipment from manufacturer and funding commitments from sub-recipient institutions (include indirect costs that would have been applicable if the item were charged directly to a grant or co- operative agreement)

6 Federal Requirements Do not use federal funds Use only once Costs must be verifiable, necessary, allowable and reasonable for the award on which they are being claimed

7 Committed Cost Sharing Worksheet Prepared by OSR Distributed electronically PI review, verification and certification

8 What is the Procedure? Proposal stage Divisional Approval Form (DAF) Award and initiation stage Award summary Committed Cost Sharing Report Worksheet Post Award stage Monitoring Sponsor reporting F&A rate

9 Roles & Responsibilities PI Division Office of Sponsored Research Project Accounting Cost Studies

10 Examples Equipment cost-sharing Faculty effort

11 Questions?

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