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DISSERTATION DEFENSE Title: “Implementing the standard-based assessment: Developing and validating a set of laboratory tasks in high school biology”.

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Presentation on theme: "DISSERTATION DEFENSE Title: “Implementing the standard-based assessment: Developing and validating a set of laboratory tasks in high school biology”."— Presentation transcript:


2 DISSERTATION DEFENSE Title: “Implementing the standard-based assessment: Developing and validating a set of laboratory tasks in high school biology”. by Gouranga Saha State University of New York at Buffalo U.S.A.

3 SCIENCE ASSESSMENT STANDARDS Understanding important relationships, processes, mechanisms, and application of concepts are considered critical for science learning outcomes by educational reform documents. Assessment standards emphasize that all assessments should correlate well with these intended science learning goals.

4 Science Education Reform Efforts Constructivist Paradigm Impact on Assessment Performance-based Assessment Tasks Authentic Lab. Practical Tasks Assessment of Biology Learning outcomes LITERATURE REVIEW

5 How can laboratory-based performance tasks be designed and developed to ascertain that they are doable by all students for whom they are meant? Do student responses from these tasks validly represent the intended process skills that new biology learning standards want students to acquire? And Are these tasks psychometrically sound as individual tasks and as set? RESEARCH QUESTIONS

6 Designing the tasks Developing the tasks Sampling the subjects Collecting data Analyzing data METHODOLOGY

7 Designing Tasks l Pooling Tasks l Brain-storming l Modifying existing tasks

8 Developing Tasks l Trial Testing

9 Trial Testing Micro Testing Mini Testing Pilot Testing Field Testing


11 SCORING RUBRIC From subjective to objective Holistic

12 ADDRESSING THE STANDARDS Content standards Process standards

13 TASK AS AN ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT Nature Items to tap science process skills

14 Sampling the Subjects Randomization Process

15 Collecting Data Conducting the Tests Scoring Student Responses

16 Analyzing Data Collating the raw data Organizing the data Analysis

17 Percent Agreement Coefficient ‘r’ Item-wise analysis ‘r’ across tasks & across items of each task Convergent & divergent evidences ‘r’ across items of same skill category

18 Analysis (Contd.) Application of ‘G’-Theory Differential Item analysis Skill category ANOVA Interpretive Analysis

19 Summary Gowin’s V-Diagram

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