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Network Performance versus TCP Receiver Window Size Project 2 cs533.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Performance versus TCP Receiver Window Size Project 2 cs533."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Performance versus TCP Receiver Window Size Project 2 cs533

2 Introduction TCP performance impacted by –Capacity – determines maximum bitrate –Delay – acknowledgement based Also impacted by receiver window size –Bitrate x Delay (and delay varies!) Throughput –Too big? Packet drops –Too small? Underutilization –Just right? “Sweet spot” Default OS settings TCP tuning –

3 Description (1 of 2) Evaluate performance of two classes of applications: –Bulk download. Ex: a file download. –Interactive session. Ex: remote login and edit For each class, define the workload and parameters. –Ex: for bulk download maybe size of download –Ex: for interactive session maybe number words typed +Note! Here, we’ll study interactive session during bulk download

4 Description (2 of 2) For each workload, you are to define performance metrics at two levels: –Network level. Possible metrics include throughput, capacity, round-trip time,... –Application level. Possible metrics include download time, response time, time to complete task,... Evaluate performance for different TCP receiver window sizes –Small (1 or 2 Kbytes), medium (about 16 Kbytes), and large (about 64 Kbytes)

5 Report Design - describe your performance measurements A) how you generated your workload (ie- what programs/scripts you ran and what they did); B) how many runs of each workload you performed; C) how you measured and recorded your data; D) what the system conditions were like beyond the boundary of the system you were measuring Setup - describe your system settings A) operating system version; B) network access type; C) hardware: processor speeds, memory… Analysis – present results, beyond raw data A) appropriate tables and graphs; B) appropriate statistical analysis Conclusion - interpret results A) what they mean, what one should do for tuning Abstract –1 paragraph that abstracts whole report, write last, goes first

6 Hints (1 of 2) Enabling High Performance Data Transfers – Networking Forum FAQ – Setting receiver window sizes –Windows, use Dr. TCPDr. TCP + –Linux, use echo 2048 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max –Need to be “root” or “administrator” +See me if don’t have such a PC Remember, TCP versus round-trip time! –Can measure with ping

7 Hints (2 of 2) Gnuplot or Excel Checklist in Jain, p. 143

8 Hand-In Report Send by email

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