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Chapter 11 Offenses Against Public Health and the Environment.

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1 Chapter 11 Offenses Against Public Health and the Environment

2 Public Health Regulation Pure Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act – prohibits traffic in food, drugs, and cosmetics being prepared or handled under unsanitary circumstances or under conditions that render them injurious to health and misbranding and adulteration as well as truthful labeling.

3 Public Health Regulation Continued: Regulatory Offenses – strict-liability criminal offenses dealing with public health and environment.

4 Planning and Zoning Activities Zoning – use and regulation of buildings and structures. Planning – broader term embracing the systematic and orderly development of a community.

5 The Scope of Federal and State Environment Laws Federal Water Pollution Control Act – control water pollution and regulate industrial and other discharges into navigable waters.

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