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Categories and concepts- introduction CS182/Ling109/CogSci110 Spring 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Categories and concepts- introduction CS182/Ling109/CogSci110 Spring 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Categories and concepts- introduction CS182/Ling109/CogSci110 Spring 2006

2 Lecture Outline Categories –Basic Level –Prototype Effects –Neural Evidence for Category Structure Aspects of a Neural Theory of concepts Image Schemas –Description and types –Behavioral Experiment on Image Schemas Event Structure and Motor Schemas

3 Embodiment Of all of these fields, the learning of languages would be the most impressive, since it is the most human of these activities. This field, however, seems to depend rather too much on the sense organs and locomotion to be feasible. Alan Turing (Intelligent Machines,1948)

4 The WCS Color Chips Basic color terms: –Single word (not blue-green) –Frequently used (not mauve) –Refers primarily to colors (not lime) –Applies to any object (not blonde)

5 Concepts What Concepts Are: Basic Constraints –Concepts are the elements of reason, and –constitute the meanings of words and linguistic expressions.

6 Concepts Are: Universal: they characterize all particular instances; e.g., the concept of grasping is the same no matter who the agent is or what the patient is or how it is done. Stable. Internally structured. Compositional. Inferential. They interact to give rise to inferences. Relational. They may be related by hyponymy, antonymy, etc. Meaningful. Not tied to the specific word forms used to express them.

7 Concepts: Traditional Theory The Traditional Theory –Reason and language are what distinguish human beings from other animals. –Concepts therefore use only human-specific brain mechanisms. –Reason is separate from perception and action, and does not make direct use of the sensory-motor system. –Concepts must be “disembodied” in this sense.

8 The neural theory Human concepts are embodied. Many concepts make direct use of sensory-motor, emotional, and social cognition capacities of our body-brain system. Many of these capacities are also present in non-human primates.

9 Classical vs prototype model of categorization Classical model –Category membership determined on basis of essential features –Categories have clear boundaries –Category features are binary Prototype model –Features that frequently co-occur lead to establishment of category –Categories are formed through experience with exemplars

10 Prototype theory 1.Certain members of a category are prototypical – or instantiate the prototype 2.Categories form around prototypes; new members added on basis of resemblance to prototype 3.No requirement that a property or set of properties be shared by all members 4.Features/attributes generally gradable 5.Category membership a matter of degree 6.Categories do not have clear boundaries

11 Prototype theory 1.Certain members of a category are prototypical – or instantiate the prototype Category members are not all equal a robin is a prototypical bird, but we may not want to say it is the prototype, rather it instantiates (manifests) the prototype or ideal -- it exhibits many of the features that the abstract prototype does “It is conceivable that the prototype for dog will be unspecified for sex; yet each exemplar is necessarily either male or female.” (Taylor)

12 2.Categories form around prototypes; new members can be added on the basis of resemblance to the prototype Categories may also be extended on the basis of more peripheral features house for apartment Prototype theory

13 3. No requirement that a property or set of properties be shared by all members -- no criterial attributes –Category where a set of necessary and sufficient attributes can be found is the exception rather than the rule –Labov household dishes experiment Necessary that cups be containers, not sufficient since many things are containers Cups can’t be defined by material used, shape, presence of handles or function Prototype theory

14 –Wittgenstein’s examination of game Generally necessary that all games be amusing, not sufficient since many things are amusing Board games, ball games, card games, etc. have different objectives, call on different skills and motor routines -  categories normally not definable in terms of necessary and sufficient features

15 What about mathematical categories like odd or even numbers? Aren’t these sharply defined? –(Armstrong et al.) Subjects asked to assign numbers a degree of membership to the categories odd number or even number  3 had a high degree of membership, 447 and 91 had a lower degree (all were rated at least ‘moderately good’) Prototype theory

16 Categories - who decides? Embodied theory of meaning- categories are not pre-formed and waiting for us to behold them. Our need for categories drives what categories we will have Basic level categories - not all categories have equal status. The basic level category has demonstrably greater psychological significance.

17 Basic-level categories

18 chair desk chair easy chair rocking chair furniture lamp desk lamp floor lamp table dining room table coffee table Superordinate Basic Subordinate

19 Categories & Prototypes: Overview Three ways of examining the categories we form: –relations between categories (e.g. basic-level category) –internal category structure (e.g. radial category) –instances of category members (e.g. prototypes) Furniture SofaDesk leather sofa fabric sofa L-shaped desk Reception disk Basic-Level Category Superordinate Subordinate

20 Basic-level -- Criteria Perception – –overall perceived shape –single mental image –fast identification

21 Basic-level -- Criteria Perception Function – motor program for interaction

22 Basic-level -- Criteria Perception Function Words – – shortest –first learned by children –first to enter lexicon

23 Basic-level -- Criteria Perception Function Communication Knowledge organization – – most attributes are stored at this level

24 Basic-Level Category Perception: –similar overall perceived shape –single mental image –(gestalt perception) –fast identification Function: –general motor program Communication: –shortest –most commonly used –contextually neutral –first to be learned by children –first to enter the lexicon Knowledge Organization: –most attributes of category members stored at this level What constitutes a basic-level category?

25 Other Basic-level categories Objects Colors Motor-routines

26 Concepts are not categorical

27 Mother The birth model The person who gives birth is the mother The genetic model The female who contributes the genetic material is the mother The nurturance model The female adult who nurtures and raises a child is the mother of the child The marital model The wife of the father is the mother The genealogical model The closest female ancestor is the mother (WFDT Ch.4, p.74, p.83)

28 Radial Structure of Mother The radial structure of this category is defined with respect to the different models Central Case Stepmother Adoptive mother Birth mother Natural mother Foster mother Biological mother Surrogate mother Unwed mother Genetic mother

29 Marriage What is a marriage? What are the frames (or models) that go into defining a marriage? What are prototypes of marriage? What metaphors do we use to talk about marriages? Why is this a contested concept right now?

30 Concepts and radial categories Concepts can get to be the "prototype" of their category in various ways. Central subcategory (others relate to this) Amble and swagger relate to WALK Shove relates to PUSH Essential (meets a folk definition: birds have feathers, beaks, lay eggs) Move involves change of location. Typical case (most are like this: "sparrow") Going to a conference involves air travel. Ideal/anti-ideal case (positive social standard: "parent"); anti- ideal case (negative social standard: "terrorist") Stereotype (set of attributes assumed in a culture: "Arab") Salient exemplar (individual chosen as example)

31 Category Structure Classical Category: –necessary and sufficient conditions Radial Category: –a central member branching out to less-central and non-central cases –degrees of membership, with extendable boundary Family Resemblance: –every family member looks like some other family member(s) –there is no one property common across all members (e.g. polysemy) Prototype-Based Category Essentially-Contested Category (Gallie, 1956) (e.g. democracy) Ad-hoc Category (e.g. things you can fit inside a shopping bag)

32 Prototype Cognitive reference point –standards of comparison Social stereotypes –snap judgments –defines cultural expectations –challengeable Typical case prototypes –default expectation –often used unconsciously in reasoning Ideal case / Nightmare case –e.g. ideal vacation –can be abstract –may be neither typical nor stereotypical Paragons / Anti-paragons –an individual member that exhibits the ideal Salient examples –e.g. 9/11 – terrorism act Generators –central member + rules –e.g. natural number = single- digit numbers + arithmetic

33 Neural Evidence for category structure Are there specific regions in the brain to recognize/reason with specific categories?

34 Category Naming and Deficits People with brain injury have selective deficits in their knowledge of categories. Some patients are unable to identify or name man made objects and others may not be able to identify or name natural kinds (like animals)

35 A PET Study on categories (Nature 1996)

36 Study 16 adults (8M, 8F) participated in a PET (positron emission tomography) study. –Involves injecting subject with a positron emitting radioactive substance (dye) –Regions with more metabolic activity will absorb more of the substance and thus emit more positrons –Positron-electron collisions yield gamma rays, which are detected Increased rCBF (regional changes in cerebral blood flow) was measured –When subjects viewed line drawings of animals and tools.

37 The experiment Subjects looked at pictures of animals and tools and named them silently. They also looked at noise patterns (baseline 1) And novel nonsense objects (baseline 2) Each stimulus was presented for 180ms followed by a fixation cross of 1820 ms. Drawings were controlled for name frequency and category typicality

38 medial lateral



41 Premotor ACC Left middle temporal gyrus

42 Calcarine Sulcus

43 Conclusions Both animal and tool naming activate the ventral temporal lobe region. Tools differentially activate the ACC, pre-motor and left middle temporal region (known to be related to processing action words). Naming animals differentially activated left medial occipital lobe (early visual processing) The object categories appear to be in a distributed circuit that involves activating different salient aspects of the category.

44 Action Words- an fMRI study Somatotopic Representation of Action Words in Human Motor and Premotor Cortex –Olaf Hauk, Ingrid Johnsrude,and Friedemann Pulvermuller* –Medical Research Council, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit Cambridge, United Kingdom –Neuron, Vol. 41, 1–20, January 22, 2004, Copyright  2004 by Cell Press


46 Traditional theory Unified meaning center in the left temporal lobe. –Connected to Wernicke’s area –Experiments on highly imageable words/nouns. Vocalization and grammar associated with frontal lobe –Connected to Broca’s area

47 Do action words activate the motor cortex Given: Cortical representations of the face, arm, and leg are discrete and somatotopically organized in the motor and premotor cortex Hypothesis: Words referring to actions performed with the face, arm, or leg would activate premotor networks. –neurons processing the word form and those processing the referent action should frequently fire together and thus become more strongly linked, resulting in word-related networks overlapping with motor and premotor cortex in a somatotopic fashion. Experiment: An fMRI study with word stimuli from different effectors (face, arm, or leg). ROI based on movements (face, arm, leg)

48 Somatotopy in STS and MC

49 The Experiment In order to find appropriate stimulus words, a rating study was first performed. –Subjects were asked to rate words according to their action and visual associations and to make explicit whether the words referred to and reminded them of leg, arm, and face movements that they could perform themselves From the rated material, 50 words from each of the three semantic subcategories were selected and presented in a passive reading task to 14 right-handed volunteers, while hemodynamic activity was monitored using event-related fMRI. The word groups were matched for important variables, including word length, imageability, and standardized lexical frequency, in order to minimize physical or psycholinguistic differences that could influence the hemodynamic response. To identify the motor cortex in each volunteer individually, localizer scans were also performed, during which subjects had to move their left or right foot, left or right index finger, or tongue.

50 Norming (B) Mean ratings for the word stimuli obtained from study participants. Subjects were asked to give ratings on a 7 point scale whether the words reminded them of face, arm, and leg actions. The word groups are clearly dissociated semantically (face-, arm-, and leg-related words).

51 All Actions (C) Activation produced by all action words pooled together. Results are rendered on a standard brain surface (left) and on axial slices of the same brain (right).

52 Movement vs. Actions

53 Correlation with BOLD Signal

54 Action Word Movement Overlap


56 Neural Evidence for category structure Are there specific regions in the brain to recognize/reason with specific categories? No, but there are specific circuits distributed over relevant regions of the brain. What might the general characteristics of such circuits look like?

57 What are schemas? –Regularities in our perceptual, motor and cognitive systems –Structure our experiences and interactions with the world. –May be grounded in a specific cognitive system, but are not situation-specific in their application (can apply to many domains of experience)

58 Basis of Image schemas Perceptual systems Motor routines Social Cognition Image Schema properties depend on –Neural circuits –Interactions with the world

59 Image schemas Trajector / Landmark (asymmetric) –The bike is near the house – ? The house is near the bike Boundary / Bounded Region –a bounded region has a closed boundary Topological Relations –Separation, Contact, Overlap, Inclusion, Surround Orientation –Vertical (up/down), Horizontal (left/right, front/back) –Absolute (E, S, W, N) LM TR bounded region boundary

60 Similarity: Perceptual and motor systems Basic functional interactions with the world Environment Variation: Cross-linguistic variation in how schemas are used.

61 Cross-linguistic Variations

62 English

63 Japanese

64 Tamil

65 English ON AROUND OVER IN Bowerman & Pederson

66 Dutch Bowerman & Pederson AAN OM BOVEN IN OP

67 Chinese Bowerman & Pederson SHANG ZHOU LI

68 Spatial schemas TR/LM relation Boundaries, bounded region Topological relations Orientational Axes Proximal/Distal

69 Trajector/Landmark Schema Roles: Trajector (TR) – object being located Landmark (LM) – reference object TR and LM may share a location (at)

70 TR/LM -- asymmetry The cup is on the table ?The table is under the cup. The skateboard is next to the post. ?The post is next to the skateboard.

71 Boundary Schema Region A Region B Boundary Roles: Boundary Region A Region B

72 Bounded Region Roles: Boundary: closed Bounded Region Background region

73 Topological Relations Separation

74 Topological Relations Separation Contact

75 Topological Relations Separation Contact Coincidence:

76 Topological Relations Separation Contact Coincidence: - Overlap

77 Topological Relations Separation Contact Coincidence: -Overlap -Inclusion

78 Topological Relations Separation Contact Coincidence: -Overlap -Inclusion -Encircle/surround

79 Orientation Vertical axis -- up/down up down above below upright

80 Orientation Horizontal plane – Two axes:

81 Language and Frames of Reference There seem to be three prototypical frames of reference in language (Levinson) –Intrinsic –Relative –Absolute

82 Intrinsic frame of reference front back right left

83 Relative frame of reference front back left?? right??

84 Absolute frame of reference north west south east

85 TR/LM and Verticality Schemas The book is under the table. up down under

86 Proximal/Distal Schema.

87 Simple vs. Complex Schemas

88 Container Schema Roles: –Interior: bounded region –Exterior –Boundary C

89 C C TR outin TR/LM + Container

90 Container Schema Elaborated –Complexities –more roles/specifications: Boundary properties –Strength –Porosity Portals

91 Container schema logic C x A B

92 Source-Path-Goal Constraints: initial = TR at Source central = TR on Path final = TR at Goal SourcePath Goal

93 SPG -- simple example She drove from the store to the gas station. TR = she Source = the store Goal = the gas station SourcePath Goal

94 SPG and Container She ran into the room. SPG. Source ↔ Container.Exterior SPG.Path ↔ Container.Portal SPG. Goal ↔ Container.Interior

95 PATH landmarks past across along LM

96 Part-Whole Schema Part Whole

97 semantic schema Container roles: interior exterior portal boundary Representing image schemas Interior Exterior Boundary Portal Source Path Goal Trajector These are abstractions over sensorimotor experiences. semantic schema Source-Path-Goal roles: source path goal trajector

98 Language and Spatial Schemas People say that they look up to some people, but look down on others because those we deem worthy of respect are somehow “above” us, and those we deem unworthy are somehow “beneath” us. But why does respect run along a vertical axis (or any spatial axis, for that matter)? Much of our language is rich with such spatial talk. Concrete actions such as a push or a lift clearly imply a vertical or horizontal motion, but so too can more abstract concepts. Metaphors: Arguments can go “back and forth,” and hopes can get “too high.”

99 Simulation-based language understanding Analysis Process Semantic Specification “Harry walked into the cafe.” Utterance CAFE Simulation Belief State General Knowledge Constructions construction W ALKED form self f.phon  [wakt] meaning : Walk-Action constraints self m.time before Context.speech-time self m..aspect  encapsulated

100 The I NTO construction construction I NTO subcase of spatial-prep form self f.phon  [ I nt h u w ] meaning evokes Trajector-Landmark as tl evokes Container as cont evokes Source-Path-Goal as spg tl.trajector  spg.trajector tl.landmark  cont cont.interior  spg.goal cont.exterior  spg.source

101 Simulation specification A simulation specification consists of: - schemas evoked by constructions - bindings between schemas

102 Simulation-based language understanding Analysis Process Semantic Specification “Harry walked into the cafe.” Utterance CAFE Simulation Belief State General Knowledge Constructions construction W ALKED form self f.phon  [wakt] meaning : Walk-Action constraints self m.time before Context.speech-time self m..aspect  encapsulated

103 Basic Question about the role of Image Schemas Are the spatial representations associated with certain verbs merely vestigial and only accessible metacognitively, or are they automatically activated by the process of comprehending those verbs?


105 An experiment on Image Schemas Richardson and Spivey (2003) operationalized this question by presenting participants with sentences and testing for spatial effects on concurrent perceptual tasks. An interaction between linguistic and perceptual processing would support the idea that spatial representations are inherent to the conceptual representations derived from language comprehension (Barsalou, 1999).

106 Example verbs The servant argued with the master. The storeowner increases the price. The girl hopes for a pony. The athlete succeeds at the tournament. The miner pushes the cart.


108 Aspect angles Vertical was 90 and horizontal 0. –Mean aspect angles were –(12=H, 42=Neutral, 69=V)

109 Example verbs The servant argued with the master. 20 11 H The storeowner increases the price. 85 75 V The girl hopes for a pony. 55 36 V The athlete succeeds at the tournament. 68 44V The miner pushes the cart. 10 12 H Free form Forced choice AVERAGE ASPECT ANGLE

110 The experiment Each trial began with a central fixation cross presented for 1000 ms. A sentence was presented binaurally through headphones. There was then a pause of 50, 100, 150 or 200 ms. –This randomized “jitter” was introduced, so that participants could not anticipate the onset of the target visual stimulus. The target, a black circle or square, then appeared in either the top, bottom, left or right position, and remained on screen for 200 ms. Participants were instructed to identify the stimulus as quickly as possible, pressing one key to indicate a circle and another to indicate a square. Reaction times and accuracy rates were recorded. The questions were interrogative forms of the filler sentences with an object substitution in half of the cases (e.g., “Did the dog fetch the ball/stick?”). Participants responded “yes” or “no” by pressing designated keys.


112 Summary of Result There is an interference effect when the verb category is vertical (from norming study) and the visual stimulus object is vertical. Issues with the experiment?

113 Experiment on Memory effect



116 Language and Thought We know thought (our cognitive processes) constrains the way we learn and use language Does language also influence thought? Benjamin Whorf argues yes Psycholinguistics experiments have shown that linguistics categories influence thinking even in non-linguistics task Language Thought cognitive processes

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