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Chapter 51 HS 200 Continue with online journal entries (Oct. 16-22)  Nov. 7, Tues- Last day to accept 12-Step Review (Reminder: YOU MAY CHOOSE TO DO THE.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 51 HS 200 Continue with online journal entries (Oct. 16-22)  Nov. 7, Tues- Last day to accept 12-Step Review (Reminder: YOU MAY CHOOSE TO DO THE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 51 HS 200 Continue with online journal entries (Oct. 16-22)  Nov. 7, Tues- Last day to accept 12-Step Review (Reminder: YOU MAY CHOOSE TO DO THE COMMUNITY EVENT/ACTIVITY OR THE 12-STEP REVIEW)  Thurs, Nov. 9: Online reading quiz (bring hard copy to class-access from course website)  Tues, Nov. 28 : Service Learning Project Due  Exam #2: (25 pts. possible) Mean Score: 75% Highest Grade: 100% A’s- 7 B’s- 15C’s- 9 D’s- 11 F’s-5

2 Human Sexuality Chapter 5 Define Human Sexuality Work with a Partner

3 Chapter 53 Human Sexuality  Definition: A dimension of personality shaped by biological, psychosocial, and cultural forces determining all aspects of sexual behavior. - Encompasses everything you are as a male or female (includes attitudes, beliefs, values, behaviors…..)

4 Chapter 54 Transition Slide….  For mature audiences only…

5 Chapter 55

6 6 p.77 text

7 Chapter 57

8 8 P. 78 Text

9 Chapter 59 Hormones and The Reproductive Life Cycle  Hormones: Chemical Messengers secreted into bloodstream by Endocrine glands  Androgens- Sex Hormones produced by Testes - Testosterone  Ovaries produce Estrogen and Progesterone  Pituitary gland- Regulates hormones produced by the testes, ovaries, and adrenal glands

10 Chapter 510 Female Sexual Maturation Menstrual Cycle - four phases:  Menses.  Days 1-5  Estrogenic phase.  Days 6-13  Ovulation phase.  Day 14  Progestational phase.  Days 15-27

11 Chapter 511 P. 80 text

12 Chapter 512 Menstrual Problems  Dysmenorrhea Premenstrual Tension  Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)  Premenstrual Dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

13 Chapter 513 Aging and Human Sexuality  Menopause  Decreasing estrogen  Males  Gradual decrease of testosterone

14 Chapter 514 Sexual Function Sexual physiology  Sexual stimulation Physical stimulation Psychological stimulation

15 Chapter 515

16 Chapter 516 Emotional Intimacy Sexual ~ Nonsexual

17 Chapter 517 Expression of Sexuality  Celibacy ~ Abstinence  Autoeroticism  Foreplay  Oral-Genital stimulation  Anal intercourse  Sexual intercourse

18 Chapter 518 Common Sexual Dysfunctions Women: Vaginismus Orgasmic Dysfunction Men: Erectile Dysfunction Premature Ejaculation Retarded Ejaculation

19 Chapter 519 Sexual Orientation  Person’s preference in sex partners  Heterosexual  Homosexual couples  Bisexuals  Sexual Behavior vs. Sexual Orientation

20 Chapter 520 Responsible Sexual Behavior Communication about interactions. Sexual activities. Privacy. Contraception. Safer sex practices. Sober Sex. Responsibility for consequences.

21 Chapter 521

22 Chapter 522 See you on Thurs!

23 Chapter 523

24 Chapter 524 Deciding to Become a Parent  Physical health and age  Financial circumstances  Relationship with your partner  Education, career and child care plans  Emotional readiness  Social support  Personal qualities  Philosophical or religious beliefs

25 Chapter 525

26 Chapter 526 Preconception Care  Preexisting medical conditions.  Prescription drug/OTC drug use.  Prior pregnancy or delivery problems.  Age.  Smoking, alcohol or other drug usage.  Any infections?  Diet.  Usage of diethylstilbestrol (DES).  Multiple births.  Family history of genetic disorders.

27 Chapter 527 Conception/Fertility  Conception involves the fertilization of a women’s egg by a man’s sperm  Each month a women’s ovaries release an egg  3-4 days - the egg travels through the fallopian tubes  Egg not fertilized  Millions of sperm  Sperm release an enzyme  Egg and sperm each carry 23 chromosomes

28 Chapter 528

29 Chapter 529 Infertility  Women  Blocked fallopian tubes  Pelvic Inflamm. Disease  Endometriosis  Hormonal imbalance  Uterine Growths  Allergic responses to sperm  Smoking  Alcohol  Toxic chemicals or radiation  Men  Low sperm count  Poor motility  Blocked passageways  Toxic substances  Smoking  Drugs  Testicular injury  Infections  Birth defects  High Temperatures

30 Chapter 530 Infertility Treatment  Surgery  Fertility drugs  Sperm donor  Assisted Reproduction  Surrogate Motherhood

31 Chapter 531 Pregnancy  13 week trimesters  Tests  Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)  Early signs and symptoms  Missed menstrual period  Softening of the uterus  Hager’s sign

32 Chapter 532

33 Chapter 533 Continual change in the Women’s Body  Uterus size  Forth Month  Breast changes  8 th week  10 th week  colostrum  Muscles and Ligaments loosen  Weight Gain

34 Chapter 534 Changes During the Later Stages of Pregnancy  Increased needs placed on the mother.  Braxton hicks contractions.  Lightening.  Emotional responses to Pregnancy.

35 Chapter 535

36 Chapter 536 Fetal Development  First Trimester  Blastocyst  Embryo - End of second week  Outermost shell  All major body structures are formed between 2nd and 9th week  2nd Month - Fetus  Second Trimester  Fetus grows to about 14 inches and 2 pounds  Third Trimester  Fetus gains protective fat layers, Respiratory and Digestive organs develop

37 Chapter 537

38 Chapter 538

39 Chapter 539 Diagnosing Fetal Abnormalities  Ultrasonography  Amniocentesis  Chorionic Villus sampling  Triple marker screen (TMS)  Fetal programming

40 Chapter 540 Basics of Prenatal Care  Regular medical checkups  Blood tests  An appropriate diet  Avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and any infections that may harm the fetus  Reasonable exercise  Preparation for childbirth

41 Chapter 541 Complications  Ectopic pregnancy  Spontaneous Abortion, or miscarriage  Preeclampsia/eclampsia  Low-birth Weight (LBW)  Infant Mortality  SIDS

42 Chapter 542 Choices in Childbirth  Who is going to assist with delivery?  Where is the baby going to be delivered?

43 Chapter 543 Labor and Delivery  Entire process 2-36 hours.  First stage of Labor.  13 hours for a first birth.  Hormonal changes.  Contractions.  Mucus plug is expelled and amniotic sac may rupture.  Transition.

44 Chapter 544 Childbirth  Second Stage of Labor  Baby slowly pushed into birth canal  Baby squeezes through pelvis  Head is usually delivered first  Umbilical cord is cut  Third Stage of Labor  Delivery of the placenta  Apgar Scale of the Baby  Cesarean deliveries

45 Chapter 545

46 Chapter 546 Postpartum Period  3 months following childbirth.  Critical family adjustment.  Vaginal delivery leave hospital 1-3 days.  Cesarean section 3-5 days.  Breastfeeding.  Postpartum depression.

47 Chapter 547 Enjoy your day!

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