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Family Nutrition Education Programs Nutrition and Life Skills for Missouri Families FNEP.

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2 Family Nutrition Education Programs Nutrition and Life Skills for Missouri Families FNEP

3 FNEP assists low-income Missourians

4 Nutritional needs include: Availability Safety Nutritional Quality

5 Target Audience School-Age Youth Pregnant Teens & Adults Infants Preschool Children Supporting Adults

6 Objective

7 Reach Our Objective: Collaborative Approach Multi-disciplinary Holistic Through a

8 The Family Nutrition Education Program FNEP What is FNEP? EFNEP Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program FNP Family Nutrition Program

9 Family Nutrition Education Program Counties = EFNEP and FNP Supported Counties

10 Family Nutrition Program OTarget Audience Eligible for food stamps OSeries of lessons preferred 12-18 lessons for adults 5-7 lessons for youth OFunding requires 1:1 in-kind match with public agencies

11 Show-Me Nutrition for Youth Let’s Read about Healthy Eating Adventures in Nutrition with the Show-Me Chef Fun with Food and Fitness Building MyPyramid Building MyBody Choosing Foods for Me Exploring MyPyramid Digging Deeper Choices & Challenges

12 Additional programs Growing with Plants Food Power Kids in the Kitchen Chick It Out Teenage Parents Destination Wellness

13 We also worked with these agencies with local public funding through the FNP: Public Schools Community Centers Drug Rehabilitation Programs Abuse Shelters Detention Centers Mental Health Centers ABE Classes Assisted Living Centers Preschools After School Programs Homeless Shelters Parents as Teachers Mid-Continent Libraries

14 FNP Connects Statewide Number of participants for FY 2004 : 211,048 Total educational contacts: 1,372,903 Number of groups that participated: 6,178 143 Alternative or special education groups 296 groups outside of the school setting Number of youth participants:198,481 Number of adult participants: 12,567

15 Nutrition classes for youth 25,600 low-income youth in over 200 groups. Most programs included seven lessons Kids learning to make healthy choices

16 Educational Activities

17 Food Prep

18 Food Power

19 Handwashing

20 FNEP is in the community making an impact: Nutrition classes for adults and teens who prepare the meals for their families. Improving the prenatal nutrition of pregnant teens and adults. Providing nutrition classes in classrooms K-12 Involving youth in nutrition in after school and summer programs

21 Results of the program showed the following: 94% of the students tasted the food offered 98% of the teachers reported one or more changes in students after FNP 82% of the students had improved hand washing 38% are more physically active 58% made healthier meal and/or snack choices

22 77% make healthier nutrition choices 83% are more aware of nutrition 60% are more willing to try new foods 98% want us back in their classroom next year 97% said the program was excellent or good Teachers’ changes (self reported)

23 Expanded Foods and Nutrition Education Program +Target audience Income within 185% of poverty Children in home under 19 +Series of 12-18 lessons +No match required for funding

24 Through EFNEP we worked with the following federal and privately supported agencies WIC Head Start Churches Teen Pregnancy Centers Food Pantries Shelters YMCA After School Programs Salvation Army 4H Day Care Centers

25 Reached 2,751 families 38% minority 4,268 youth Served 64 of the 83 (77%) WIC offices Served 13 of the 39 (33%)Food Stamp offices Partnered with 223 agencies EFNEP Facts at a Glance

26 EFNEP Impact Food Safety 50% of participants more often practiced not thawing their foods at room temperature

27 Managing Food 78% more often planned meals in advance 76% more often compared food prices 75% more often used a grocery list for shopping 36% less often ran out of food before the end of the month

28 Healthy Food Choices 74% more often thought about healthy food choices when deciding what to feed their families 61% more often prepared foods without adding salt 82% more often used the food label to make food choices

29 Missouri Nutrition Network “Eat for Health: It’s All About You and Your Family Too” Campaign Network is composed of public and private agencies and organizations to link efforts of food and nutrition services The objective of this statewide effort is for all agencies to deliver a consistent nutrition education message to limited resource audiences

30 Employment Opportunities Nutrition Program Assistant Nutrition Program Associate Extension Associate Regional Nutrition and Health Education Specialist Program Coordinator State Nutrition Specialist

31 Credits The Family Nutrition Education Program (FNEP) is a funded by the USDA, Food and Nutrition Services. The funding is channeled to the University of Missouri Extension Human Environmental Sciences through the Missouri Division of Family Services. The University of Missouri Extension does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability or status as a Vietnam-era veteran in employment or programs.

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