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      Brian A. Colle*, Yanluan Lin*, Justin B. Wolfe*, W. James David E. Kingsmill +, Mark Stoelinga, and Chris Woods # *Stony Brook.

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Presentation on theme: "      Brian A. Colle*, Yanluan Lin*, Justin B. Wolfe*, W. James David E. Kingsmill +, Mark Stoelinga, and Chris Woods # *Stony Brook."— Presentation transcript:

1       Brian A. Colle*, Yanluan Lin*, Justin B. Wolfe*, W. James Steenburgh @, David E. Kingsmill +, Mark Stoelinga, and Chris Woods # *Stony Brook University / SUNY # University of Washington, Seattle, WA @ University of Utah, Salt Lake City + University of Colorado / CIRES Some Comparisons Between IMPROVE2 and IPEX Bulk Microphysical Verification       Brian A. Colle*, Yanluan Lin*, Justin B. Wolfe*, W. James Steenburgh @, David E. Kingsmill +, Mark Stoelinga #, and Chris Woods # *Stony Brook University / SUNY # University of Washington, Seattle, WA @ University of Utah, Salt Lake City + University of Colorado / CIRES

2 Motivation  MM5’s BMPs have been thoroughly verified and published for one IMPROVE IOP (13-14 DEC). What about other cases?  General improvement of BMPs will likely require microphysical analysis using other field data (IPEX, PACJET, CALJET, ….).  There have been no WRF verification of IMPROVE IOPs.

3 Great Salt Lake Great Salt Lake Desert Stansbury Mts Oquirrh Mts Wasatch Range SLC 50 km 1500 2750 3000 3250 2000 2250 2500 1750 Elevation (m) x KMTX IPEX IOP3: 12-13 February 2000 NOAA P3 Leg 1 Leg 2 Leg 4 Leg 5 Leg 3 NOAA P3 Stacks Cascade Range IMPROVE-2: 4-5 December 2001 COMPARISON OF IMPROVE-2 WITH RESULTS FROM IPEX

4 4-5 Dec Simulation  Same setup as Garvert et al. (2005a).  HOWEVER NO FDDA -> using FDDA (GDAS analyses) degraded the forecast … too warm at low-levels, and too convective…  There is low-level wind sensitivity to PBL parameterization. Eta-PBL better.  Since NOFDDA was run, a comparison with WRF could be completed (using Hong et al. 2004 BMP for now, is exmoisg available??).

5 NCEP 850mb analysis 00 UTC 05 Dec 2001 Model 850mb forecast 00 UTC 05 Dec 2001 (12 hr forecast)

6 IR IMAGERY 23 UTC 04 Dec 2001

7 UW Sounding Comparison at 0100 UTC 5 Dec (model green, obs orange) MM5-MRF (winds too weak, too warm near surface) MM5-Eta (winds better) WRF-MRF

8 MM5-ETAMM5-MRF P-3 legs 2&3 (4km green, 1.33km orange) – Eta better wind speeds, 1.33km good vertical velocities leg2 leg3


10 MM5-Eta MM5-MRF Spol (0100 UTC 5 Dec) MM5-Eta has better qualitative precip structure agreement during flight

11  MM5-MRF  MM5-Eta WRF-MRF Model 12-h precip (in mm) for 8-20 h

12 MM5-EtaWRF-MRF THE CLASSIC OVERPREDICTION NEAR CREST PROBLEM Model Percent of Observed Precipitation (8-20 h)

13 leg3 leg2 MM5-ETAMM5-WRF Assumes all P-3 particles are graupel (upper-bound for P-3), dry snow ~50% as much

14 IPEX: 1800 UTC 12 February 2000 Observed surface winds 1.33-km MM5 (sfc T and winds, 6 h) Colle et al. 2005 MWR in press

15 KMTX (2260 m, 1830 UTC) 1.33-km MM5 (2260 m) A B BA 1 3 4 2 5 6 km MSL

16 IPEX: 1800-0000 UTC Precipitation 1.33-km (6-12 h pcp in mm) 1.33-km % of observed

17 Model Cross Section and two P-3 legs at 1900 UTC -11 o C -5 o C Snow, graupel, and cloud water

18 Model vs. Observed (NOAA P-3) at 3800 m CrestWESTEAST Cloud water (g kg -1 ) Cross-barrier wind speed (m s -1 ) Snow (g kg -1 ) Vertical motion (cm s -1 ) Simulated Observed

19 Model vs. Observed (NOAA P-3) at 2800 m Cloud water (g kg -1 ) Snow (g kg -1 ) Cross-barrier wind speed (m s -1 ) Vertical motion (cm s -1 ) WEST EAST Simulated Observed

20 Summary  Preliminary analysis of 4-5 Dec IMPROVE-2 suggests similar problems to the 13-14 Dec IOP. There is precip overprediction near the crest associated with an overprediction of snow and graupel aloft.  Unlike 13-14 December, the exmoisg underpredicts cloud water over lower windward slope.  IPEX results are different than IMPROVE-2. Model underpredicted snow aloft and overpredicted cloud water. Why?? (CCN?, colder temps in IPEX?, …). IPEX results suggests need to confirm IMPROVE results in other regions.

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