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Application of Fortran 90 to ocean model codes Mark Hadfield National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research New Zealand.

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1 Application of Fortran 90 to ocean model codes Mark Hadfield National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research New Zealand

2 Slide 2©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. It’s not about me but… I have used ocean models: –ROMS –POL3D –MOMA I program in –Fortran –IDL –Python, Matlab, C ++, … I run models and analysis software on –PC, Win 2000, Compaq Fortran or Cygwin g77 –Cray T3E –Compaq Alpha machines with 1 or 2 CPUs

3 Slide 3©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Outline of this talk Fortran 90/95 new features Some Fortran 90/95 features in more detail Application in ROMS Tales from the front line ROMS 1 and ROMS 2 performance Conclusions

4 Slide 4©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Fortran 90/95 new features (1) Dynamic data objects –Allocatable arrays –Pointers –Automatic data objects Array processing –Whole-array operations –Array subset syntax –New intrinsic functions –Pointers Free-format source

5 Slide 5©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Fortran 90/95 new features (2) Modules –Replace COMMON for packaging global data –Hide information –Bundle operations with data INCLUDE statement! Procedure enhancements –Explicit interfaces (MODULE procedures & INTERFACE statement) –Optional & named arguments –Generic procedures

6 Slide 6©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Fortran 90/95 new features (3) Data structures User-defined types and operators New control structures Portable ways to specify numeric precision I/O enhancements –Name lists

7 Slide 7©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Fortran 90 Pros & Cons (1) Pros –Data organisation can match the problem better –Enables more readable, maintainable code –Stricter argument checking –Libraries can present a cleaner interface –Supported by all (?) commercial compilers

8 Slide 8©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Fortran 90 Pros & Cons (2) Cons –Greater feature load can reduce readability & maintainability –Potential reduction in performance –No satisfactory open-source compiler –Modules complicate building a program with multiple source files –Commercial compilers still have performance problems and bugs

9 Slide 9©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. ALLOCATABLE and POINTER (1) Allocatable arrays can be allocated real, allocatable :: a(:,:) … allocate a(10,20) So can pointers real, pointer :: a(:,:) … allocate a(10,20) Pointers can be associated with arrays & array subsets (& scalars) real, pointer :: a(:,:),b(:,:) real, target :: c(10,20) … a => c b => c(1:5,1:10)

10 Slide 10©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. ALLOCATABLE and POINTER (2) Pointers can be components of a structure type mytype real, pointer :: a(:,:) end type mytype … type (mytype) x … allocate (x%a(10,20)) Allocatable arrays can’t be structure components. This is unfortunate because pointers are harder to manage and optimise –A pointer may be associated with non-contiguous memory locations –Pointers complicate “ownership”

11 Slide 11©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Passing arrays to subprograms: Explicit-shape Example: program main real :: a(10,20), b(200) call mysub (10,20,a) call mysub (10,20,b) write (unit=*,fmt=*) a,b end program main subroutine mysub (m,n,x) integer, intent(in) :: m,n real, intent(out) :: x(m,n) x(:,:) = 1.0 end subroutine mysub The subprogram is given access to a contiguous block of data (m  n elements). It should not write beyond that block. (But what if it does?)

12 Slide 12©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Passing arrays to subprograms: Assumed-shape Example: program main real :: a(10,20) call mysub (a) write (unit=*,fmt=*) a contains subroutine mysub (x) real, intent(out) :: x(:,:) x(:,:) = 1.0 end subroutine mysub end program main The subprogram is given an array descriptor that tells it where to find the data

13 Slide 13©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Explicit shape vs assumed-shape Explicit-shape: –Dummy array need not match actual array in rank & shape –Subprogram can be more efficient because contiguous data guaranteed –If actual array not contiguous, a temporary copy is needed Assumed-shape: –No need for array-shape arguments. This is simpler but less self-documenting –Passing array descriptor more costly?

14 Slide 14©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. ROMS 2 structure Model data are in structure variables packaged in modules Main model arrays are pointer components in the structures and are dynamically allocated Subroutines access model arrays by USEing the module or via arguments The model currently supports explicit- shape and assumed-shape dummy array declarations, selected via the ASSUMED_SHAPE preprocessor symbol

15 Slide 15©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Why explicit- and assumed-shape? Assumed-shape required because –With some older compilers, there is a drastic (5 ) performance drop with explicit-shape declarations Recall that pointers can be associated with non- contiguous data, in which case a temporary, contiguous copy must be made. Newer compilers apparently detect that pointers in ROMS are associated with contiguous data and avodi the copy. Older ones do not. –Some (Compaq) compilers have trouble with the form of the explicit-shape declarations in ROMS real(r8) :: tke(LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,0:N(ng),3) Explicit-shape retained because –On some platforms, the model runs faster with this option (6% faster on Cray T3E) –Weaker checking allows some subroutines to accept 2D or 3D data, avoiding duplication of code

16 Slide 16©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Another tale from the front line MOM 4 is a substantially revised version of the GFDL MOM model, written in Fortran 90, supporting STATIC and DYNAMIC memory options Early tests showed a substantial (40%) drop in performance with the DYNAMIC option. This was traced to a performance bug in the SGI test compiler, triggered by the combination of array syntax operations on dynamically allocated arrays within derived types (from message on MOM4 mailing list by Christopher Kerr).

17 Slide 17©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. ROMS 2 performance (1) Tested on two platforms –PC, Pentium 4 2.67 GHz, Windows 2000, Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6 –NIWA’s Cray T3E (Kupe), 140 PE, Alpha EV5 600 MHz The CPU on the PC is 6–8 times as fast as one PE on Kupe. We need to get 20 PEs on the job to make Kupe worthwhile; the maximum reasonable number is usually 60.

18 Slide 18©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. ROMS 2 performance (2) On the PC –For a small problem (UPWELLING) execution time in ROMS 2 is 40% less than in ROMS 1. –This advantage does not hold for medium-size problems (BENCHMARK1). For these, ROMS 2 speed is similar to ROMS 1. –ROMS 2 supports multiple tiles in serial mode. For medium-size problems using a modest number of tiles (20–60) reduces execution time by 25%. –Explicit-shape code doesn’t work due to compiler bugs, but if we work around these bugs explicit- and assumed-shape speeds are similar.

19 Slide 19©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. ROMS 2 performance (3) On Kupe –Serial runs show same speedup of ROMS 2 relative to ROMS 1 for small problems, same lack of speedup for large problems –No advantage using multiple tiles in serial mode –Explicit-shape code 6% faster than assumed- shape –MPI runs on n processors show an n speedup as long as tile size is 25  25 or more –PE performance, scaling & memory size make Kupe an effective tool for model runs up to (say) 400  400  30

20 Slide 20©2003 NIWA. All Rights Reserved. Conclusions ROMS 2 (Fortran 90) is not significantly slower than ROMS 1 (Fortran 77) For small problems ROMS 2 is significantly faster than ROMS 1 There are performance pitfalls in Fortran 90, mostly related to inefficient treatment of pointers Widespread use of array operations is probably not a good idea Compiler bugs remain a problem A community model needs to be tested on a variety of platforms to uncover problems

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