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Mapping from a database Peterson. Linux PHP and MySQL were largely developed under Linux – open source operating system based on UNIX Linus Torvalds –

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping from a database Peterson. Linux PHP and MySQL were largely developed under Linux – open source operating system based on UNIX Linus Torvalds –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping from a database Peterson

2 Linux PHP and MySQL were largely developed under Linux – open source operating system based on UNIX Linus Torvalds – – “Hello everybody out there! I'm doing a (free) operating system … (just a hobby, won't be big and professional) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since april, and is starting to get ready.I'd like any feedback.”

3 PHP and MySQL Most Linux installation procedures include the option of installing PHP and MySQL. Administration of online databases is done through phpMyAdmin – Available through the cPanel Purpose of exercises: – Develop familiarity with PHP – Input and query MySQL tables

4 PHP Example 1

5 PHP example 2

6 PHP example 3

7 PHP example 4

8 PHP Example 5

9 PHP Example 6

10 PHP Example 7

11 PHP Example 8

12 cPanel

13 MySQL is used to define new tables


15 SQL


17 Browse

18 Structure

19 SQL

20 Search

21 mysql_connect.php

22 All Capitals

23 //connection to database and querying <?php include 'mysql_connect.php'; $table = "us_capitals"; $sql = "SELECT name, usstate, population, Y(location), X(location) FROM $table"; $res = mysql_query($sql); if($res){ $num = mysql_num_rows($res); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ // contents one row of database $lat = $row['X(location)']; $lon = $row['Y(location)']; $name = $row['name']; $state = $row['usstate']; $pop = $row['population']; // create marker echo 'var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat.','.$lon.');'; echo 'var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position: myLatlng, map: map, title: "'.$name.', Population: '.$pop.'", icon: image, shadow: shadow});'; // info message will be attached echo 'attachMessage(marker, "'.$name.'", "'.$state.'", "'.$pop.'");'; } } else echo "alert('SQL-Error getting data from database...')"; mysql_close($conn); ?>

24 North of Omaha / less than 500,000

25 //connection to database and querying <?php include 'mysql_connect.php'; $table = "us_capitals"; $sql = "SELECT name, usstate, population, Y(location), X(location) FROM $table WHERE X(location) > 41.25 AND population < 500000"; $res = mysql_query($sql);

26 Select within box

27 <?php //define coordinates and draw rectangle to map include 'mysql_connect.php'; $table = "us_capitals"; $sql =" SELECT name, Y(location), X(location), usstate, population FROM us_capitals WHERE Intersects( location, GeomFromText( 'POLYGON((40 -96, 44 -96, 44 -70, 40 -70, 40 -96))' ) ) ";

28 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cities; create table cities ( city VARCHAR(30), location GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL INDEX(location), PRIMARY KEY (city) ); INSERT INTO cities (city, location) VALUES ("Omaha", GeomFromText('POINT(41.25 -96)')); INSERT INTO cities (city, location) VALUES ("Atlanta", GeomFromText('POINT(33.755 -84.39)')); INSERT INTO cities (city, location) VALUES ("Lincoln", GeomFromText('POINT(40.809722 -96.675278)')); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dl_airports; create table dl_airports ( city VARCHAR(30), airport VARCHAR(30), code VARCHAR(3), FOREIGN KEY (city) REFERENCES cities(city), PRIMARY KEY (code) ); INSERT INTO dl_airports (city, airport, code) VALUES ("Omaha","Omaha Eppley Airfield", "OMA"); INSERT INTO dl_airports (city, airport, code) VALUES ("Atlanta","Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport", "ATL"); INSERT INTO dl_airports (city, airport, code) VALUES ("Lincoln","Municipal Airport", "LNK"); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dl_routes; create table dl_routes ( airportCode VARCHAR(3), destinationCode VARCHAR(3), FOREIGN KEY (airportCode) references dl_airports(code), FOREIGN KEY (destinationCode) references dl_airports(code) ); INSERT INTO dl_routes (airportCode, destinationCode) VALUES ("OMA","ATL"); INSERT INTO dl_routes (airportCode, destinationCode) VALUES ("OMA","DET"); INSERT INTO dl_routes (airportCode, destinationCode) VALUES ("OMA","MEM"); Part of the SQL code for entering three tables that provide city location, airport information, and airline connections.

29 Flight Routes

30 <?php include 'mysql_connect.php'; $sql = "SELECT AS departure, X( cDep.location ) AS latDep, Y( cDep.location ) AS lngDep, AS destination, X( cDst.location ) AS latDest, Y( cDst.location ) AS lngDest FROM ((( dl_routes AS rt INNER JOIN dl_airports AS ap1 ON rt.airportcode = ap1.code ) INNER JOIN dl_airports AS ap2 ON rt.destinationcode = ap2.code ) INNER JOIN cities AS cDep ON = ap1.city_name ) INNER JOIN cities AS cDst ON = ap2.city_name"; $res = mysql_query($sql); if($res){ $num = mysql_num_rows($res); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ echo "var flightPlanCoordinates = [ new google.maps.LatLng(".$row['latDep'].", ".$row['lngDep']."), new google.maps.LatLng(".$row['latDest'].", ".$row['lngDest'].") ]; flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: flightPlanCoordinates, strokeColor: \"#FF0000\", strokeOpacity: 0.8, geodesic: true, strokeWeight: 1 }); flightPath.setMap(map);"; } } else echo "alert('SQL-Error getting data from database...')"; mysql_close($conn); ?>


32 Selected routes

33 $sql = "SELECT AS departure, X( cDep.location ) AS latDep, Y( cDep.location ) AS lngDep, AS destination, X( cDst.location ) AS latDest, Y( cDst.location ) AS lngDest FROM ( ( dl_routes AS rt INNER JOIN dl_airports AS ap1 ON rt.airportcode = ap1.code ) INNER JOIN dl_airports AS ap2 ON rt.destinationcode = ap2.code ) INNER JOIN cities AS cDep ON = ap1.city_name ) INNER JOIN cities AS cDst ON = ap2.city_name WHERE = 'Omaha'"; $res = mysql_query($sql);

34 create table ne_counties ( strokecolor VARCHAR(7), strokewidth INT(5), strokeopacity FLOAT(5), fillcolor VARCHAR(7), fillopacity FLOAT(5), popdata INT(15), name VARCHAR(30), geom GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL INDEX(geom) ); INSERT INTO ne_counties (strokecolor, strokewidth, strokeopacity, fillcolor, fillopacity, popdata, name, geom) VALUES ("#008800",1,1.0,"#FFCC00",0.06674,33185,"county", GeomFromText('POLYGON((40.698311157 - 98.2829258865,40.698311157 -98.2781218448,40.3505519215 -98.2781218448,40.3500181391 - 98.3309663027,40.3504184759 -98.3344358884,40.3504184759 -98.7238301514,40.6413298855 - 98.7242304882,40.6897706386 -98.7244973794,40.6989783851 -98.7243639338,40.6991118307 - 98.7214281306,40.6985780482 -98.686198492,40.698311157 -98.2829258865, 40.698311157 -98.2829258865))')); INSERT INTO ne_counties (strokecolor, strokewidth, strokeopacity, fillcolor, fillopacity, popdata, name, geom) VALUES ("#008800",1,1.0,"#FFCC00",0.01334,6931,"county", GeomFromText('POLYGON((41.9149346991 - 98.2956032185,42.0888143169 -98.2954697729,42.0888143169 -98.3004072602,42.3035282886 - 98.3005407058,42.4369738893 -98.300140369,42.4377745629 -97.8344152223,42.2326686746 - 97.8352158959,42.0897484361 -97.8346821135,42.0347688486 -97.8341483311,41.9164026008 - 97.8332142119,41.9152015904 -98.0647423292,41.9149346991 -98.2956032185, 41.9149346991 -98.2956032185))')); MySQL commands, attributes, and coordinates for placing two county polygons for Nebraska into a MySQL database.

35 Nebraska county polygons

36 //connection to database and querying <?php include 'mysql_connect.php'; $sql = "SELECT popdata, AsText(ExteriorRing(geom)) AS linestring FROM ne_counties;"; $res = mysql_query($sql); // first statement -> get all polygons if($res){ // loop through all polygons while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $linestring = $row['linestring']; //points of current county polygon $pop = $row['popdata']; //population of current county //linestring includes all points of current polygon LINESTRING(40.698311157 - 98.2829258865,40.69831115...) //delete not needed characters $clearedLS = str_replace(array("LINESTRING(", ",", ")"),array(""," ",""),$linestring); //parse the string in PHP and store coordinates in array $coordinates = explode(" ", $clearedLS); //read coordinates from array by pair

37 //and finally create javascript GM latitude/longitude objects for polygons echo "var pts = new Array();"; $j=0; for ($i =0; $i<count($coordinates); $i=$i+2){ echo "pts[".$j."] = new google.maps.LatLng(".$coordinates[$i].",".$coordinates[$i+1].");"; $j++; } echo "polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: pts, strokeColor: '#0000FF', strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeWeight: 0.5, fillColor: '#0000FF', fillOpacity: 0.4 });"; echo "polygon.setMap(map);"; } } else echo "alert('SQL-Error getting data from database...')"; mysql_close($conn); ?>

38 Nebraska county population

39 // Find the min and max population values for the 93 counties after doing a non-linear transformation using the log function var min=100000000; var max=-100000000; for (var i = 0; i < 93; i++) { // Log the data to deal with counties with large populations popdata[i] = Math.log(popdata[i]) if (popdata[i] < min) { min=popdata[i] } if (popdata[i] > max) { max=popdata[i] } } // Find the range and compute the opacities for each polygon var range = max-min // compute an opacity as a range of the data values opacities = new Array () for (var i = 0; i < 93; i++) { opacities[i] = 1-((max - popdata[i]) / range) }

40 Counties with less than 50,000 $sql = "SELECT popdata, AsText(ExteriorRing(geom)) AS linestring FROM ne_counties WHERE popdata < 50000;"; $res = mysql_query($sql);

41 <?php include 'mysql_connect.php'; $sql = "SELECT popdata, AsText( ExteriorRing( geom ) ) AS geom FROM ne_counties WHERE Intersects( GeomFromText( 'POINT(41.25 -96)' ), geom ) OR Intersects( GeomFromText( 'POINT(40.809722 -96.675278)' ), geom ) OR Intersects( GeomFromText( 'POINT(40.700833 -99.081111)' ), geom ) "; $res = mysql_query($sql);

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