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Precursors of Continental Philosophy

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1 Precursors of Continental Philosophy
From Descartes to Nietzsche ©2002, G. J. Mattey

2 René Descartes French 1596-1650 Meditations on First Philosophy (1641)
Principles of Philosophy (1644) More

3 Descartes Project: To establish foundations for the new science consistent with Catholicism Threats: Skepticism and materialism Solution: Discover all resources of knowledge of things other than one’s self in “innate ideas,” implanted by God in one’s own immaterial mind Problem of subjectivism: Do the contents of my mind correspond to “external” reality? Mind-body problem: How is my immaterial mind related to material objects, including my body?

4 Immanuel Kant German 1724-1804 Critique of Pure Reason (1781, 1787)

5 Kant Project: To establish foundations for the new science in the face of the failure of metaphysics Threats: Skepticism, materialism Solution: Discover the basis of necessity in faculties of the human mind Problem of the relativity of knowledge: Knowledge extends only to things as they are represented by the human mind

6 G. W. F. Hegel German Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) More

7 Hegel Project: To account for all knowledge and reality within a single comprehensive system Threat: Kantian relativism Solution: All reality is the outcome of the “dialectical” progression of a universal “spirit” Problem of conservatism: The alleged structure of reality merely reflects existing values Problem of subordination: The only value of the individual human is in relation to the whole

8 Karl Marx German 1818-1883 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
Capital (1867) More

9 Marx Project: To show the basis of human oppression and how to overcome it Threat: Hegelian conservatism Solution: Human development is based on material conditions and will result in revolution Problem of subordination : as with Hegel Problem of reduction: All human behavior can be explained in economic terms

10 Søren Kierkegaard Danish 1813-1855 The Concept of Anxiety (1844)
Concluding Unscientific Postscript (1846) More

11 Kierkegaard Project: To understand the human relationship to God
Threat: Hegelian subordination Solution: The significance of life is established by “existential” choices which may be based on irrational emotions Problem of inexplicability: There is ultimately no way to comprehend our most fundamental choices

12 Friedrich Nietzsche German 1844-1900 Beyond Good and Evil (1886)
On the Genealogy of Morals (1887) More

13 Nietzsche Project: To understand human behavior in historical terms
Threat: Rationalism, conservatism Solution: The structure of reality is not “rational,” but rather a flux of power-relations Problem of objectivity: Conflicting perspectives on reality have equal claim to validity

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