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Wharton Department of Statistics Profiting from Data Mining Bob Stine Department of Statistics The Wharton School, Univ of Pennsylvania April 5, 2002

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Presentation on theme: "Wharton Department of Statistics Profiting from Data Mining Bob Stine Department of Statistics The Wharton School, Univ of Pennsylvania April 5, 2002"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wharton Department of Statistics Profiting from Data Mining Bob Stine Department of Statistics The Wharton School, Univ of Pennsylvania April 5, 2002

2 Wharton Department of Statistics 2 Overview  Critical stages of data mining process - Choosing the right data, people, and problems - Modeling - Validation  Automated modeling - Feature creation and selection - Exploiting expert knowledge, “insights”  Applications - Little detail – Biomedical: finding predictive risk factors - More detail – Financial: predicting returns on the market - Lots of detail – Credit: anticipating the onset of bankruptcy

3 Wharton Department of Statistics 3 Predicting Health Risk  Who is at risk for a disease? - Example: detect osteoporosis without expense of x-ray  Goals - Improving public health - Savings on medical care - Confirm an informal model with data mining  Many types of features, interested groups - Clinical observations of doctors - Laboratory measurements, “genetic” - Self-reported behavior  Missing data

4 Wharton Department of Statistics 4 Predicting the Stock Market  Small, “hands-on” example  Goals - Better retirement savings? - Money for that special vacation? College? - Trade-offs: risk vs return  Lots of “free” data - Access to accurate historical time trends, macro factors - Recent data more useful than older data  “Simple” modeling technique  Validation

5 Wharton Department of Statistics 5 Predicting the Market: Specifics  Build a regression model - Response is return on the value-weighted S&P - Use standard forward/backward stepwise - Battery of 12 predictors with interactions  Train the model during 1992-1996 (training data) - Model captures most of variation in 5 years of returns - Retain only the most significant features (Bonferroni)  Predict returns in 1997 (validation data)  Another version in Foster, Stine & Waterman

6 Wharton Department of Statistics 6 Historical patterns? ?

7 Wharton Department of Statistics 7 Fitted model predicts... Exceptional Feb return?

8 Wharton Department of Statistics 8 What happened? Training Period

9 Wharton Department of Statistics 9 Claimed versus Actual Error Actual Claimed Squared Prediction Error

10 Wharton Department of Statistics 10 Over-confidence?  Over-fitting - Model fits the training data too well – better than it can predict the future. - Greedy fitting procedure “Optimization capitalizes on chance”  Some intuition - Coincidences Cancer clusters, the “birthday problem” - Illustration with an auction What is the value of the coins in this jar?

11 Wharton Department of Statistics 11 Auctions and Over-fitting What is the value of these coins?

12 Wharton Department of Statistics 12 Auctions and Over-fitting  Auction jar of coins to a class of MBA students  Histogram shows the bids of 30 students  Most were suspicious, but a few were not!  Actual value is $3.85  Known as “Winner’s Curse”  Similar to over-fitting: best model like high bidder

13 Wharton Department of Statistics 13 Profiting from data mining?  Where’s the profit in this? - “Mining the miners” vs getting value from your data - Lost opportunities  Importance of domain knowledge  Validation as a measure of success - Prediction provides an explicit check - Does your application predict something?

14 Wharton Department of Statistics 14 Pitfalls and Role of Management Over-fitting is dominated by other issues…  Management support - Life in silos - Coordination across domains  Responsibility and reward - Accountability - Who gets the credit when it succeeds? Who suffers if the project is not successful?

15 Wharton Department of Statistics 15 Specific Potholes  Moving targets - “Let’s try this with something else.”  Irrational expectations - “I could have done better than that.”  Not with my data - “It’s our data. You can’t use it.” - “You did not use our data properly.”

16 Wharton Department of Statistics 16 Back to a real application… Emphasis on the statistical issues…

17 Wharton Department of Statistics 17 Predicting Bankruptcy  Goal - Reduce losses stemming from personal bankruptcy  Possible strategies - If can identify those with highest risk of bankruptcy… Take some action Call them for a “friendly chat” about circumstances Unilaterally reduce credit limit  Trade-off - Good customers borrow lots of money - Bad customers also borrow lots of money

18 Wharton Department of Statistics 18 Predicting Bankruptcy  “Needle in a haystack” - 3,000,000 months of credit-card activity - 2244 bankruptcies - Simple predictor that all are OK looks pretty good.  What factors anticipate bankruptcy? - Spending patterns? Payment history? - Demographics? Missing data? - Combinations of factors? Cash Advance + Las Vegas = Problem  We consider more than 100,000 predictors!

19 Wharton Department of Statistics 19 Modeling: Predictive Models  Build the model Identify patterns in training data that predict future observations. - Which features are real? Coincidental?  Evaluate the model How do you know that it works? - During the model construction phase Only incorporate meaningful features - After the model is built Validate by predicting new observations

20 Wharton Department of Statistics 20 Are all prediction errors the same?  Symmetry - Is over-predicting as costly as under-predicting? - Managing inventories and sales - Visible costs versus hidden costs  Does a false positive = a false negative? - Classification in data mining - Credit modeling, flagging “risky” customers - False positive: call a good customer “bad” - False negative: fail to identify a “bad” - Differential costs for different types of errors

21 Wharton Department of Statistics 21 Building a Predictive Model So many choices…  Structure: What type of model? Neural net CART, classification tree Additive model or regression spline  Identification: Which features to use? Time lags, “natural” transformations Combinations of other features  Search: How does one find these features? Brute force has become cheap.

22 Wharton Department of Statistics 22 Our Choices  Structure - Linear regression with nonlinearity via interactions - All 2-way and some 3-way, 4-way interactions - Missing data handled with indicators  Identification - Conservative standard error - Comparison of conservative t-ratio to adaptive threshold  Search - Forward stepwise regression - Coming: Dynamically changing list of features Good choice affects where you search next.

23 Wharton Department of Statistics 23 Identifying Predictive Features  Classical problem of “variable selection”  Thresholding methods (compare t-ratio to threshold) - Akaike information criterion (AIC) - Bayes information criterion (BIC) - Hard thresholding and Bonferroni  Arguments for adaptive thresholds - Empirical Bayes - Information theory - Step-up/step-down tests

24 Wharton Department of Statistics 24 Adaptive Thresholding  Threshold changes to conform to attributes of data - Easier to add features as more are found.  Threshold for first predictor - Compare conservative t-ratio to Bonferroni. - Bonferroni is about Sqrt(2 log p) - If something significant is found, continue.  Threshold for second predictor - Compare t-ratio to reduced threshold - New threshold is about Sqrt(2 log p/2)

25 Wharton Department of Statistics 25 Adaptive Thresholding: Benefits  Easy As easy and fast as implementing the standard criterion that is used in stepwise regression.  Theory Resulting model provably as good as best Bayes model for the problem at hand.  Real world It works! Finds models with real signal, and stops when the signal runs out.

26 Wharton Department of Statistics 26 Bankruptcy Model: Construction  Data: reserve 80% for validation - Training data 600,000 months 458 bankruptcies - Validation data 2,400,000 months 1786 bankruptcies  Selection via adaptive thresholding - Compare sequence of t-statistics to Sqrt(2 log p/q) - Dynamic expansion of feature space

27 Wharton Department of Statistics 27 Bankruptcy Model: Preview  Predictors - Initial search identifies 39 Validation SS monotonically falls to 1650 Linear fit can do no better than 1735 - Expanded search of higher interactions finds a bit more Nature of predictors comprising the interactions Validation SS drops 10 more  Validation: Lift chart - Top 1000 candidates have 351 bankrupt  More validation: Calibration - Close to actual Pr(bankrupt) for most groups.

28 Wharton Department of Statistics 28 Bankruptcy Model: Fitting  Where should the fitting process be stopped?

29 Wharton Department of Statistics 29 Bankruptcy Model: Fitting  Our adaptive selection procedure stops at a model with 39 predictors.

30 Wharton Department of Statistics 30 Bankruptcy Model: Validation  The validation indicates that the fit gets better while the model expands. Avoids over-fitting.

31 Wharton Department of Statistics 31 Bankruptcy Model: Linear?  Choosing from linear predictors (no interactions) does not match the performance of the full search.

32 Wharton Department of Statistics 32 Bankruptcy Model: More?  Searching higher-order interactions offers modest improvement.

33 Wharton Department of Statistics 33 Lift Chart  Measures how well model classifies sought-for group  Depends on rule used to label customers - Very high threshold Lots of lift, but few bankrupt customers are found. - Lower threshold Lift drops, but finds more bankrupt customers.

34 Wharton Department of Statistics 34 Generic Lift Chart Model Random

35 Wharton Department of Statistics 35 Bankruptcy Model: Lift  Much better than diagonal!

36 Wharton Department of Statistics 36 Calibration  Classifier assigns Prob(“BR”) rating to a customer.  Weather forecast  Among those classified as 2/10 chance of “BR”, how many are BR?  Closer to diagonal is better.

37 Wharton Department of Statistics 37 Bankruptcy Model: Calibration  Over-predicts risk above claimed probability 0.4

38 Wharton Department of Statistics 38 Summary of Bankruptcy Model  Automatic, adaptive selection - Finds patterns that predict new observations - Predictive, but not easy to explain  Dynamic feature set - Current research - Information theory allows changing search space - Finds more structure than direct search could find  Validation - Essential only for judging fit. - Better than “hand-made models” that take years to create.

39 Wharton Department of Statistics 39 So, where’s the profit in DM?  Automated modeling has become very powerful, avoiding problems of over-fitting.  Role for expert judgment remains - What data to use? - Which features to try first? - What are the economics of the prediction errors?  Collaboration - Data sources - Data analysis - Strategic decisions

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