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1 Scintillating Fibre Tracker Simulation Malcolm Ellis Imperial College London Tuesday 9 th March 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Scintillating Fibre Tracker Simulation Malcolm Ellis Imperial College London Tuesday 9 th March 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Scintillating Fibre Tracker Simulation Malcolm Ellis Imperial College London Tuesday 9 th March 2004

2 2 Current Status Nominal geometry and tracker configuration (ganging, etc) implemented. Simple pattern recognition, MINUIT fit and Kalman fit. Able to study tracking resolution as a function of track parameters and background/dead channel rates. Track fit results used by emittance calculation code (Chris Rogers).

3 3 Improvements Geometry and read-out Digitisation Pattern recognition Track fitting and extrapolation Design iteration

4 4 Geometry and read-out Need to take new design (fibre pitch, number of fibres, connector lay-out, etc) and implement it in G4MICE. Add option of having 50 micron Mylar sheet per plane (currently not simulated, may or may not be needed in real tracker). Study effect of station spacing on pattern recognition and track parameter resolution. Need to get Virtual Planes working in order to start a number of studies…

5 5 Digitisation Need to introduce measured light yield from cosmic ray test into G4MICE. Need to check and confirm all parameters for light transport, collection efficiency, QE, etc are correct. Compare simulated single hit, space point, efficiencies.

6 6 Pattern Recognition There are a lot of wasteful copies in the current code that will be cleaned up. In the presence of high background rates, combinatorial background causes the PR to run very slowly. Improvements possible in: Raw hit selection Triplet (space point) finding Track finding Aim to use Kalman to reject more outliers from consideration earlier.

7 7 Track Fitting Currently Kalman fit takes into account multiple scattering but not dE/dx. New version of Kalman includes magnetic field map and correct dE/dx treatment. Aim to include this version before collaboration meeting. Should improve background rejection and tracking performance. In discussion with Kalman developers over inclusion of hit times in the track fit.

8 8 Design Iteration Collected Use Cases, currently starting round of discussion of User Requirements. Already envisage substantial improvements to data-flow, experiment modelling and description, etc. Aim for better communication between Reconstructed objects (e.g. tracks and particle ID hits) and Monte Carlo objects (e.g. truth hit and reconstructed hits).

9 9 Future Aim to complete a lot (but not all) of tasks listed by collaboration meeting. Software group still very much under- staffed (as Yagmur has said, 10% of 10 is not a lot). Any-one willing to help is encouraged to speak to Yagmur and I this week, and attend the software workshop following the Collaboration meeting if at all possible.

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