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Social Interaction Chapter 5.  Division of Labor (Durkheim)  Disruption to the Division of Labor  Solidarity  Mechanical Solidarity  Organic Solidarity.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Interaction Chapter 5.  Division of Labor (Durkheim)  Disruption to the Division of Labor  Solidarity  Mechanical Solidarity  Organic Solidarity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Interaction Chapter 5

2  Division of Labor (Durkheim)  Disruption to the Division of Labor  Solidarity  Mechanical Solidarity  Organic Solidarity

3  Social Status  Social Structure  Status Set  Ascribed Status 先賦地位  Achieved Status 自致地位  Master Status 主要地位  Roles  Role expectation  Role obligations  Right  Role strain  Role conflict

4  Dramaturgical Model (Goffman)  Impression Management  Front- and Back-Stage Behavior  Attribution Theory  Thomas theorem  Dispositional causes  Situational causes  Scapegoat

5 參考書  高夫曼 (Erving Goffman) ;徐江敏、 李姚軍譯, 1992 ,《日常生活中的自 我表演》,初版,臺北市:桂冠。

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