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Matlab routine: potential_flow(). drawing a circle(1/3)

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Presentation on theme: "Matlab routine: potential_flow(). drawing a circle(1/3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matlab routine: potential_flow()

2 drawing a circle(1/3)

3 drawing a circle(2/3)

4 drawing a circle(3/3)

5 no through condition (1)

6 no through condition (2)

7 circulation of each vortex (1)

8 circulation of each vortex (2)

9 drawing velocity field (1/4)

10 drawing velocity field (2/4)

11 drawing velocity field (3/4)

12 drawing velocity field (4/4)

13 field around rotating circle(1)

14 field around rotating circle(2)

15 field around profile (1/8)

16 field around profile (2/8)

17 field around profile (3/8)

18 field around profile (4/8)

19 field around profile (5/8)

20 field around profile (6/8)

21 field around profile (7/8)

22 field around profile (8/8)

23 profile at different angles of attack (1/7)

24 profile at different angles of attack (2/7)

25 profile at different angles of attack (3/7)

26 profile at different angles of attack (4/7)

27 profile at different angles of attack (5/7)

28 profile at different angles of attack (6/7)

29 profile at different angles of attack (7/7)

30 Circle with same cirulation

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