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Thursday Minerals: Naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline solid with a set range of chemical components.

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1 Thursday Minerals: Naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline solid with a set range of chemical components.


3 Chemistry Before we go further, we need to learn some basic chemistry Structure of the atom, what is an atom –Protons and the nucleus –Energy of the nucleus versus energy of electrons Ions, variations in the number of electrons Ions allow bonding Isotopes, variations in the number of neutrons –Stable versus unstable isotopes

4 Atoms form Molecules The molecule pentacene is made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms which can be seen in the extreme high resolution photo photograph taken this year

5 Back to minerals Bonding of atoms allows the creation of: Molecules Silica molecule of Silicon (Si) and Oxygen (O) Silicates the building blocks of most minerals

6 Green, ask me about this later

7 3-D of framework Silicates Quartz


9 Sheet silicates Muscovite & biotite


11 Chain silicate an amphibole type asbestos

12 A microscopic view of asbestos

13 Asbestos Sheet silicate or “White” vs. Double chain silicate or “Blue”



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