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Significant Social & Ethical Issues. Significant Issues Year 2000 Y2K Problem Viruses Reliance on Software.

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Presentation on theme: "Significant Social & Ethical Issues. Significant Issues Year 2000 Y2K Problem Viruses Reliance on Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Significant Social & Ethical Issues

2 Significant Issues Year 2000 Y2K Problem Viruses Reliance on Software

3 Year 2000 Y2K Problem In the 1960’s and 70’s, storage or memory was limited and very expensive. So a simple decision was made to store the year date as a two digit number e.g. 75, 82.

4 Year 2000 Y2K Problem This worked well but was shortsighted as a problem became evident. When the Year 2000 started, these systems would think that the year was 1900!

5 Year 2000 Y2K Problem People were worried that important companies may have been using this outdated method and their software may fail as the Year 2000 clicked over. This could have a dramatic effect on various services to people.

6 Year 2000 Y2K Problem The problem never eventuated for one reason or another, but primarily because the problem was realised prior to the Year 2000 and procedures implemented to prevent problems occurring.

7 Year 2000 Y2K Problem Research Activity –Outline 2 of the main procedures that were implemented to ensure the smooth transition from 1999 to 2000. Identify 2 major companies that were affected by the Y2K problem. –Use the Internet to research this information. –Suggested sites include

8 Viruses Computer viruses are software programs designed to cause some form of damage on computer systems. They usually attach themselves to other files so they can be transported from system to system via E-Mail or floppy disk.

9 Viruses Anti virus protection software and diligence are the best methods for prevention of the spread of viruses, however as new viruses are being created every day, it is hard to completely prevent these forms of malicious attack.

10 Viruses Activity –Write down the names of 4 Anti-Virus protection and detection programs. –Do you use any of these? –What risks are there if major companies do not have a virus protection protocol? –Should people who write viruses be punished?

11 Reliance on Software Software programs organise and run so many of the systems we use in our everyday lives. Without these programs, our lives would be drastically different. Automatic Teller Machines and EFTPOS, cars, washing machines, microwaves and all major forms of transportation rely on software to ensure smooth running.

12 Reliance on Software Activity –Write a page (300 words) on the good or bad aspects of this statement: ‘as a society we have a huge reliance on the use of software.’ Use specific examples in your argument. You may use Microsoft Word to outline your argument. Is this an example of the reliance on software?

13 National & International Legal action resulting from software development

14 Legal Cases involving software Research information about legal cases from the following categories. Choose one case from each category and outline what the case for and against was about.

15 Legal Cases involving software International –Microsoft vs Netscape –Microsoft Vs Apple Local –Trumpet software Pty Ltd & Anor vs OzEmail Pty Ltd & Ors 1996

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