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Module 6 Setup for Posting. Document  In SAP, a document is an electronic record of a business transaction  Documents are the link between the business.

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1 Module 6 Setup for Posting

2 Document  In SAP, a document is an electronic record of a business transaction  Documents are the link between the business transaction and the posting in accounting.  Documents typically consist of two major components: Header data Data valid for entire document e. g. document date and number At least two line items Need a debit and a credit Depending on the transaction, these components are presented differently

3 Purchase Order Document  This represents the latest style of screen layout in the SAP R/3 system: Can open up: Header Item overview Item detail

4 G/L Documents  Older-design screens use Header, Item Overview and Detail icons: Header Item Overview Details Currently displaying Item Overview, can use icons to see header or details

5 Document Type  Classifies transactions  Uses a particular number range  Determines what type of accounts the document can be posted to

6 Document Number Ranges  Defined for a particular year  Each transaction has a unique document number within a company code and fiscal year  Can be externally assigned

7 Document Number Ranges Must Be Unique Document No. 1900000023 Fiscal Year 2004 Company Code 00FS Combination of Document Number, Fiscal Year and Company Code must be unique

8 Posting Periods 123456789101112 13141516  Note: In Module 1, we selected fiscal year variant K1- calendar year with one special period In Module 6, we define when these periods are open Regular Periods Special Periods

9  Special Periods allow for corrections to periods that are now past.  For example, a sales person may have incurred travel expenses in December, but won’t be able to complete an expense report until January. The expenses should be applied to the previous years accounting records, not the current year when the report was submitted.

10 Special Period Example  An employee gets a $1,000/month pay increase effective the previous month: Old salary: $5,000 per month New salary: $6,000 per month  Two scenarios Salary increase effective May 1, entered into system June 1. Salary increase effective Dec. 1, entered into system January 1.

11 Effective May 1, entered June 1. June: Posting Period 6 Salaries 7,000 W&S to be paid 7,000

12 Effective Dec. 1, entered Jan. 1. January: Posting Period 1 Salaries 6,000 W&S to be paid 7,000 Clearing 1,000 Previous Year: Posting Period 13 Salaries 1,000 W&S to be paidClearing 1,000

13 Open Posting Periods  Can define when periods are available for posting  Can set by account type  Can’t post to regular period until the system date is in that period

14 Tolerance Groups for Account Postings  Amount limits for your employees which control the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account the maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item the maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee

15 Tolerance Groups for Account Postings  Can define any number of tolerance groups  Assign users to tolerance groups in customizing  Define default tolerance group by leaving group field blank

16 Set up Payment Program  This configuration activity determines items like: Which company codes are included in payment transactions and which company codes make payments. Which payment methods can be used (check, bill of exchange, bank transfer, etc.) Specifications dependent on the country or paying company code. From which bank accounts payment is made according to defined rules

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