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MODIS Ocean Processing and Data Distribution Jasmine S. Nahorniak Mark R. Abbott Curt Vandetta College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences OREGON STATE.

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Presentation on theme: "MODIS Ocean Processing and Data Distribution Jasmine S. Nahorniak Mark R. Abbott Curt Vandetta College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences OREGON STATE."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODIS Ocean Processing and Data Distribution Jasmine S. Nahorniak Mark R. Abbott Curt Vandetta College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY updated Feb 22 2007

2 Our goal: To collect, process, and distribute MODIS oceans data off Oregon in near real-time.

3 Current status MODIS passes automatically collected day and night data processed to level 2 oceans within 1 hour of pass data processed to level 3 oceans (daily, 1 km resolution) daily data available online, via ftp, and by subscription

4 Our starting point: satellite dish from Apogee Solutions, Ltd. pass collection software Ground Station Commander tracker/ingest/jpl ERSDEM2 demodulator How do we get to level 3 oceans data from here? photo by Tom Leach

5 Ancillary data Key: SUNPCLinux 1 2 3 12:00 13:00 GSC & browser PC pass collection Linux SUN outside users camera ftp server web server data base ERSDEM2 demodulator Linux main scripts, raw to level 3 Linux Simulcast server Linux

6 Ancillary data ancillary data 1 Pass collection: iirv files (eph*) tle files Level 0 to 3 processing: leap seconds file (leapsec.dat) earth motion file (utcpole.dat) attitude and ephemeris (*ATT*, *EPH*) Oceans processing: ozone data (S*.OZONE) meteorological data (S*.MET) Reynolds’ weekly SST (oi.mean.bias.*)

7 Pass collection process 2 12:00 GSC & browser PC pass collection Linux camera ERSDEM2 demodulator Linux

8 Pass collection issues regular data dropouts due to Goldstone downlinks

9 Raw data to level 3 processing main scripts, raw to level 3 Linux

10 Level 3 oceans data nLw(443)chlorophyllSST

11 Processing issues oceans code is frequently updated (but simple to update) oceans ancillary data availability slows processing data are processed twice

12 Output for the community 3 13:00 PCSUN outside users ftp server web server data base Simulcast server Linux

13 Data requests received level 1b data for fire research chlorophyll data during cruises specific regions on a regular basis events earthquake oil spill fire

14 Summary direct broadcast system functioning well level 1b and 2 oceans data are available within 1 hour of the pass data and images are available to users online, via ftp, via subscription and through the Simulcast client.

15 Special thanks to: Torben Nielsen (University of Hawaii) Scott Gennari (University of Hawaii) Dan Watanabe (University of Hawaii) Sue Walsh (RSMAS) Jim Brown(RSMAS) Bob Evans (RSMAS) Patrick Coronado (GSFC, NASA) Kelvin Brentzel(GSFC, NASA) Chris Lynnes(GSFC, NASA) Jim Dodge (NASA) Peter Baylis (Dundee Satellite Systems Ltd.) John Brush (University of Dundee) Jim Croal (Farmor Engineering Ltd.) Gene Feldman (NASA) Angie Kelley (NASA) Bryan Franz (NASA) Mike MacDonald (NASA) and many others. Funding provided by NASA HQ. Acknowledgments

16 machinedisk spaceoperating systemsoftware PC10 GBWindows 98, NT or 2000Ground Station Commander browser (for web camera) Linux20 GBRedHat 6.1tracker, ingest, jpl (pass collection) Linux10 GBRedHat 6.1ERSDEM2 demodulator Linux615 GBCentos 4.2RT-STPS, GBAD, SeaDAS, scripts, storage SUN75 GBSolaris 8ftp server Linux40 GBCobalt Qube 3web server PC2.5 TBWindows 2000 serverSQL server 2000 data base and storage Linux3.4 TBCentos 4.2storage Linux140 GBCentos 4.2Simulcast server MODIS direct broadcast processing setup COAS, Oregon State University February 2007

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