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Cellular Metabolism.

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Metabolism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Metabolism

2 Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
How Organisms Obtain Energy Autotrophs and Heterotrophs All organism need glucose! Autotrophs are organisms that make their own glucose. Heterotrophs are organisms that need to ingest glucose to obtain energy.

3 ATP: The Unit of Cellular Energy
How Organisms Obtain Energy ATP: The Unit of Cellular Energy ATP releases energy when the bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken, forming a molecule called adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate group. – watch this clip

4 What chemical bond in ATP releases energy when broken?
phosphate sulfur oxygen potassium

5 Describe Photosynthesis
The process of changing light energy to chemical energy Energy stored as sugar Occurs in plants and some algae Plants need light energy, CO2, and H2O Takes place in the chloroplasts, using chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants

6 What three things do plants need for photosynthesis?
Light energy CO2 H2O

7 What happens during photosynthesis?
Plants capture light energy and use that energy to make glucose Sunlight provides the energy needed by chlorophyll to change molecules of carbon dioxide and water into glucose Oxygen is also released in this reaction

8 What happens during photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through holes called stomata CO2 combines with the stored energy in the chloroplasts through a chemical reaction to make glucose The sugar is moved through tubes in the leaf to the roots, stems and fruits of the plants Some of the sugar is used right away by the plant for energy; some is stored as starch; and some is built into plant tissue

9 Why is this important to us?
We cannot make our own food (glucose, energy), we must get our food from plants. Plants are the first step in the food chain. The oxygen released during photosynthesis is necessary for all living things.

10 What is the Equation for the Chemical Reaction of Photosynthesis?

11 What is the equation for the chemical reaction of photosynthesis?
Reactants Products

12 Press Pause, Think, & Share
Think about the following… 1) What happens during photosynthesis? 2) Why is this important? 3) What are the reactants and products for photosynthesis? Turn to your shoulder partner and talk about these points. What is an atom? What are the parts of an atom and what are their charges

13 What did you discuss? What happens during photosynthesis?
Plants capture light energy and use it to convert it to glucose. Why is this important? Glucose is made that organisms needs as well as oxygen. What are the reactants and products for photosynthesis?

14 What does ADP and ATP stand for
What does ADP and ATP stand for? What is the role of this molecule inside a cell?

15 Time to Write Using the graphic organizer that was handed to you, fill in the missing information. Trim the border and then glue this in your composition notebook.

16 Okay, the sugar is made…Now what?
Cellular Respiration

17 What is Cellular Respiration?
Once the energy that was in sunlight is changed into chemical energy by photosynthesis, an organism has to transform the chemical energy into a a form that can be used by the organism. This process is cellular respiration.

18 Overview of Cellular Respiration
Organisms obtain energy in a process called cellular respiration. The equation for cellular respiration is the opposite of the equation for photosynthesis.

19 Describe Cellular Respiration
The breakdown of glucose molecules to release energy Takes place in all living things There are two types Aerobic and anaerobic

20 Aerobic Cellular respiration
Takes place in the presence of oxygen More energy is released Glucose + Oxygen ATP + CO2 + H2O

21 Anaerobic Cellular respiration
Takes place WITHOUT oxygen Less energy is released Typically called fermentation Two types Lactic acid fermentation Occurs in muscles without oxygen and produces lactic acid Alcoholic fermentation Occurs in organisms without oxygen and ethanol is produced

22 Press Pause, Think, & Share
Think about the following… 1) What happens during cellular respiration? 2) Why is this important? 3) What are the reactants and products for cellular respiration? Turn to your should partner and talk about these points.

23 What did you discuss? What happens during cellular respiration?
Glucose is broken down to a smaller energy, ATP Why is this important? Glucose is too large to for the cell to utilize What are the reactants and products for photosynthesis? Aerobic= Glucose + Oxygen ATP + CO2 + H2O Anaerobic Alcoholic fermentation= Glucose ATP + CO2 + H2O+ ethanol Lactic fermentation = Glucose ATP + CO2 + H2O+ lactic acid

24 Time to Write Using the graphic organizer that was handed to you, fill in the missing information. Trim the border and then glue this in your composition notebook.

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