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Decent Work in the Green Economy: Business Cases from Turkey.

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Presentation on theme: "Decent Work in the Green Economy: Business Cases from Turkey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decent Work in the Green Economy: Business Cases from Turkey

2 Decent work in the green economy project (2013-March 2015) Country level interventions Turkey MexicoChina Global activities (Analytical studies, capacity building) Background

3 Project Components (Turkey) Technical assistance and capacity building to/for an inter-agency Task Force Developing green jobs policy/strategy recommendations Green jobs research/business case study

4 Objective of the case study To contribute to the knowledge sharing and analysis that will lead to shaping of inclusive green jobs strategies for decent work promotion in Turkey’s transition to a greener economy.

5 Scope The study, while focusing on the experiences of selected enterprises in transition to a greener business model in Turkey, aimed to provide some views to policy makers on transformation of enterprises/private sector in terms of their green practices and creating green employment.

6 Methodology In-depth and semi-structured interviews with representatives in charge of sustainability or relevant fields, with an objective to showcase green practices undertaken in each of these companies

7 Selected companies

8 Brief Findings and Observations

9 Transition to a greener business model is not a ‘luxury’ any longer: The necessity of this transformation will keep on growing in the future. A number of companies interviewed are aware of creating direct or indirect green jobs through their green practices and acknowledge their importance: skills development

10 Ownership of sustainability practices by the senior management of companies It is critical that workers and all units are involved in understanding and embracing sustainable practices in the company

11 Challenges in transition to a greener business model: Both workers and all departments need time to adapt to changes Both consumers and suppliers in the manufactoring sector need to adopt sustainable and green practices as much as large manufacturing companies do to increase overall positive impact to environment and society.

12 Thank you Ozan Cakmak, ILO Office for Turkey

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