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SUMMARY SESSION Jerry Ceres Scoutmaster N

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1 SUMMARY SESSION Jerry Ceres Scoutmaster N5-347-14
Well, we’ve just about come to the end of the practical phase of our course. Imagine what it must have been like for Mr. Holland’s orchestra members. Many of them probably had put away their instruments long ago. When they got the call, no doubt they had to practice – not only the new piece before them, but some of those old scales. They had to get to know their instrument again. It’s much the same for you. You’re ready to leave Gilwell, armed with your vision and a plan to make it come to life. But, to make it happen you will need to use the skills you have learned here. Let’s dust them off so that they’re fresh in your mind as you go out to begin leaving your legacy. When you get home, practice these skills and then practice them some more – and then practice them some more. Remember, great leaders are great teachers and students. Day 6, 1:30 PM, 30 minutes Jerry Ceres Scoutmaster N Course Overview Summary Session 1

2 Learning Objectives The purpose of this summary session is to:
Review the five themes of the Wood Badge course. Emphasize the connections of the course presentations and experiences to the five themes. Encourage you to carry the message of Wood Badge with you as you return to your home units, districts, and councils. The purpose of the summary session is to: click for each bullet point Review the five themes of the Wood Badge course. Emphasize the connections of the course presentations and experiences to the five themes. Encourage participants to carry the message of Wood Badge with them as they return to their home units, districts, and councils. N Summary Session

3 Wood Badge Central Themes
Living the Values Bringing the Vision to Life Models for Success Tools of the Trade Leading to Make a Difference Here are the five central themes of Wood Badge. How have these themes been supported by the various course presentations and activities? To find the answer, let’s look at each of these themes, discuss what you experienced during the course, and focus on the key learning points – the key take-home messages – for each session. N Summary Session

4 Living the Values Values, Mission, and Vision N5-347-14
The first of the 5 themes is Living the Values. It’s the base on which our pentagonal logo and our course is built. This theme is demonstrated by the presentation Values, Mission, and Vision. This session was one of the first of the course. In the days since then, where have you seen the main points of this session coming to life in our Wood Badge course activities? Invite responses. Be sure that the Wood Badge Ticket and The Game of Life are mentioned. click What were the key take-home messages of this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned… N Summary Session

5 Values, Mission, and Vision
Where have you seen the main points of this session coming to life in our Wood Badge course activities? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Key Take-Home Messages Effective leaders create a compelling vision and inspire others to turn it into a reality. Your ticket will help you turn your personal vision into reality. N Summary Session

6 Values, Mission, and Vision
Key Take-Home Messages Effective leaders create a compelling vision and inspire others to turn it into a reality. Your ticket will help you turn your personal vision into reality. Key Take-Home Messages Effective leaders create a compelling vision and inspire others to turn it into a reality. Your ticket will help you turn your personal vision into reality. N Summary Session

7 Bringing the Vision to Life
Listening to Learn Communication Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness Generations in Scouting Coaching and Mentoring The next theme is Bringing the Vision to Life – demonstrated by presentations on: Listening to Learn (Day 1) Communication (Day 2) Inclusiveness (Day 2) Valuing People and Leveraging Diversity (Day 4) Coaching and Mentoring (yesterday) N Summary Session

8 Listening to Learn Where did you have a chance to apply what you learned from this session? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Listening to Learn Think about this session. Where did you have a chance to apply what you learned from this session? Invite responses. What were the key messages to take home to your local unit or council? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages We can all improve our ability to listen. Listening is a key element in communicating, learning, and leadership. Feedback is a gift. N Summary Session

9 Listening to Learn Key Take-Home Messages
We can all improve our ability to listen. Listening is a key element in communicating, learning, and leadership. Feedback is a gift. Listening to Learn Think about this session. Where did you have a chance to apply what you learned from this session? Invite responses. What were the key messages to take home to your local unit or council? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages We can all improve our ability to listen. Listening is a key element in communicating, learning, and leadership. Feedback is a gift. N Summary Session

10 Communication Did you have a chance to do some communicating during the course? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Communication Did you have a chance to do some communicating during the course? Invite responses. What was the key take-home message of this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home message is mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message Good communication begins with good listening both on the part of the receiver and the sender. Communication is essential to effective leadership and high- performance teams. N Summary Session

11 Communication Key Take-Home Message
Good communication begins with good listening. Communication is essential to effective leadership and high-performance teams. Communication Did you have a chance to do some communicating during the course? Invite responses. What was the key take-home message of this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home message is mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message Good communication begins with good listening both on the part of the receiver and the sender. Communication is essential to effective leadership and high- performance teams. N Summary Session

12 Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness
Inclusiveness and Valuing People and Leveraging Diversity Did you see elements of valuing people during this course? Any examples of leveraging diversity? Invite responses. (Click) N Summary Session

13 Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness
Did you see elements of valuing people during this course? Any examples of leveraging diversity? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? What were the key take-home messages from this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages We are stronger when we are diverse. We are stronger when we make diversity work for us. Leading change to become more diverse is critical for Scouting to remain relevant. N Summary Session

14 Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness
Key Take-Home Messages We are stronger when we are diverse. We are stronger when we make diversity work for us. Leading change to become more diverse is critical for Scouting to remain relevant. What were the key take-home messages from this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages We are stronger when we are diverse. We are stronger when we make diversity work for us. Leading change to become more diverse is critical for Scouting to remain relevant. N Summary Session

15 Generations in Scouting
Where did you have a chance to apply what you learned from this session? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? What were the key take-home messages from this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages We are stronger when we are diverse. We are stronger when we make diversity work for us. Leading change to become more diverse is critical for Scouting to remain relevant. N Summary Session

16 Generations in Scouting
Key Take-Home Messages Awareness and sensitivity to your peers and followers views of the world is critical. Recognize your audience and modify your leadership style accordingly. What were the key take-home messages from this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages We are stronger when we are diverse. We are stronger when we make diversity work for us. Leading change to become more diverse is critical for Scouting to remain relevant. N Summary Session

17 Coaching and Mentoring
In what ways have you seen coaching and mentoring used during this Wood badge course? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Coaching and Mentoring In what ways have you seen coaching and mentoring used during this Wood Badge course? Invite responses. What were the key take-home messages? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message When we accept positions of leadership, people will be looking up to us Small things have big consequences. Just as a slight change in the course of the Titanic could have caused a major change in events, a small change in the way you deal with people (especially young people) also can have a dramatic effect. N Summary Session

18 Coaching and Mentoring
Key Take-Home Messages When we accept positions of leadership, people will be looking up to us. Small things have big consequences. Coaching and Mentoring In what ways have you seen coaching and mentoring used during this Wood Badge course? Invite responses. What were the key take-home messages? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message When we accept positions of leadership, people will be looking up to us Small things have big consequences. Just as a slight change in the course of the Titanic could have caused a major change in events, a small change in the way you deal with people (especially young people) also can have a dramatic effect. N Summary Session

19 Models for Success Stages of Team Development
The Leading EDGE™ /The Teaching EDGE™ The next theme is Models for Success – What models for successful teams did you learn about during the course? (click) Stages of Team Development (Day 2) The Leading EDGE ™ and The Teaching EDGE ™ (Day 3) N Summary Session

20 Models for Success N5-347-14 Models for Success
In your own experience, how did these models play out during the course? Where and when? Invite responses and encourage participants to elaborate on their answers. N Summary Session

21 Models for Success How did these models play out during the course?
When and where? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Models for Success What are the key take-home messages for you as a leader? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages Emotional investments between members develop from shared experiences. The job of the leader is to move the team through the stages of development to become the best it can be. N Summary Session

22 Models for Success Key Take-Home Messages
Emotional investments between members develop from shared experiences. The job of the leader is to move the team through the stages of development to become the best it can be. Models for Success What are the key take-home messages for you as a leader? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages Emotional investments between members develop from shared experiences. The job of the leader is to move the team through the stages of development to become the best it can be. N Summary Session

23 Tools of the Trade Project Planning Leading Change
Problem Solving and Decision Making Managing Conflict Self-Assessment The theme of Tools of the Trade is demonstrated by: Project Planning (Day 2) Leading Change (Day 4) Problem Solving and Decision Making (Day 4) Managing Conflict (Day 4) Self-Assessment (yesterday) N Summary Session

24 Project Planning When did the learning from this session come into play? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Project Planning When did the learning from this session come into play during the course? Invite responses. What key take-home message will you be carrying back home? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home message is mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message Before starting anything, establish goals and agree on an approach. Be prepared to think outside the box. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you always got. N Summary Session

25 Project Planning Key Take-Home Messages
Before starting anything, establish goals and agree on an approach. Be prepared to think outside the box. Project Planning When did the learning from this session come into play during the course? Invite responses. What key take-home message will you be carrying back home? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home message is mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message Before starting anything, establish goals and agree on an approach. Be prepared to think outside the box. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you always got. N Summary Session

26 Leading Change How did leading change play a part in this course?
What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Leading Change How did leading change play a part in this course? Invite responses. What key take-home messages will you carry back to your units, districts, and councils? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message Change is a fact of life When change is needed, leading change can make it happen When change is inevitable, leading change can make it a positive experience. N Summary Session

27 Leading Change Key Take-Home Messages Change is a fact of life.
When change is needed, leading change can make it happen. When change is inevitable, leading change can make it a positive experience. Leading Change How did leading change play a part in this course? Invite responses. What key take-home messages will you carry back to your units, districts, and councils? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message Change is a fact of life When change is needed, leading change can make it happen When change is inevitable, leading change can make it a positive experience. N Summary Session

28 Problem Solving and Decision Making
What opportunities did you have to practice problem solving and decision making? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Problem Solving and Decision Making During the course, what opportunities did you have to practice problem solving and decision making? Invite responses. How would you summarize the key learning point of this process? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home message is mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message When teams use an effective approach to problem solving, they can move more quickly toward high performance. N Summary Session

29 Problem Solving and Decision Making
Key Take-Home Message When teams use an effective approach to problem solving, they can move more quickly toward high performance. Problem Solving and Decision Making During the course, what opportunities did you have to practice problem solving and decision making? Invite responses. How would you summarize the key learning point of this process? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home message is mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message When teams use an effective approach to problem solving, they can move more quickly toward high performance. N Summary Session

30 Managing Conflict Were there opportunities as you worked on your patrol project to apply and experience some of the elements from this session? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Managing Conflict Were there opportunities as you worked on your patrol project to apply and experience some of the elements from the session on Managing Conflict management? Invite responses. What were the key take-home messages here? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home message is mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message Manage conflict by finding common ground among individuals. High Performance Teams quickly resolve conflict. N Summary Session

31 Managing Conflict Key Take-Home Messages
Manage conflict by finding common ground among individuals. High-performance teams quickly resolve conflict. Managing Conflict Were there opportunities as you worked on your patrol project to apply and experience some of the elements from the session on Managing Conflict management? Invite responses. What were the key take-home messages here? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home message is mentioned: click Key Take-Home Message Manage conflict by finding common ground among individuals. High Performance Teams quickly resolve conflict. N Summary Session

32 Self-Assessment During the course what opportunities did you have for self-assessment? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Self Assessment Assessment has been an important element of this course and may play a role as you complete your tickets. During the course, what opportunities did you have for self-assessment? Invite responses. What are the key take-home messages from this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages Self-assessment is important to realize your full potential as a leader. This tool equips a leader to do his or her job in the unit or council. N Summary Session

33 Self-Assessment Key Take-Home Messages
Self-assessment is important to realize your full potential as a leader. This tool equips a leader to do his or her job in the unit or council. Self Assessment Assessment has been an important element of this course and may play a role as you complete your tickets. During the course, what opportunities did you have for self-assessment? Invite responses. What are the key take-home messages from this session? Invite responses and be sure that the following take-home messages are mentioned: click Key Take-Home Messages Self-assessment is important to realize your full potential as a leader. This tool equips a leader to do his or her job in the unit or council. N Summary Session

34 Leading to Make a Difference
Servant Leadership Leaving a Legacy The fifth theme of Leading to Make a Difference completes our pentagon and is demonstrated by: Leaving a Legacy (today) N Summary Session

35 Leading to Make a Difference
During the course what opportunities did you have to make a difference? What are the Key Take-Home Messages? Leading to Make a Difference Right now, this theme is a blank slate. It's the future. It's what you will do with all you've learned from the other four themes of the course. What's the key take-home message of “Leading to Make a Difference”? That's for you to determine in your own life. It is for you to make the most of the opportunities and challenges you find along the way. You will build your own legacy. Let me suggest these three. click Key Take-Home Messages Values, vision, and mission can change the world. The choice of how you will lead to make a difference in Scouting is up to you. Ask yourself, "What will my legacy be?” Then act to make it real. N Summary Session

36 Leading to Make a Difference
Key Take-Home Messages Values, mission, and vision can change the world. The choice of how you will lead to make a difference in Scouting is up to you. Ask yourself, “What will my legacy be?” Then act to make it real. Leading to Make a Difference Right now, this theme is a blank slate. It's the future. It's what you will do with all you've learned from the other four themes of the course. What's the key take-home message of “Leading to Make a Difference”? That's for you to determine in your own life. It is for you to make the most of the opportunities and challenges you find along the way. You will build your own legacy. Let me suggest these three. click Key Take-Home Messages Values, vision, and mission can change the world. The choice of how you will lead to make a difference in Scouting is up to you. Ask yourself, "What will my legacy be?” Then act to make it real. N Summary Session

37 Conclusion The Wood Badge emblem is complete. All the pieces are in place. The same is true of our Wood Badge course – the sessions are over, the challenges have been met, the hopes for meaningful experiences have been fulfilled. Take what you have learned here and make it your own. Carry this knowledge with you wherever you go. Use it to strengthen Scouting and to make this a better world. Before we conclude, lets go back and take one more look at what we’ve experienced and accomplished. (Play the recording, with photos from the course shown on the screen.) N Summary Session

38 Review Reflect Enjoy N5-347-14 After Slide Show
When you arrived on Day One of this course, one of the first things that happened was that you were given a pen just like this one. (Show the audience a pen.) A pen is a simple invention, really, used by millions of people. But words depend not on the pen itself, but on the person who holds it. In the hand of Kathryn Lee Bates, a pen wrote the words to "America the Beautiful." In the hand of a red-headed lawyer from Virginia, a pen wrote the words to one of the greatest documents in history, The Declaration of Independence. In the hand of a tall, tired president, a pen wrote, “Fourscore and seven years ago..." – The Gettysburg Address. In the hand of Robert Baden-Powell, a simple pen outlined the precepts of an exciting program for boys, the forerunner of today's Scouting movement. Now the pen is in your hand, and the words it will write depend on you. You've used it already to write your Wood Badge ticket, bringing new understanding to your values and vision for success. And now it is time for you to begin building your legacy. What that legacy will be is up to you, and you alone. Hold the pen out to the participants. When this pen is in my hand, the words that it will write depend on me. But now, the pen is in your hand, and the words that it will write depend on you. Your legacy is yours to write, and yours alone. You have the power. You have you skill. The future is waiting for you to begin. N Summary Session

39 N

40 After Slide Show When you arrived on Day One of this course, one of the first things that happened was that you were given a pen just like this one. (Show the audience a pen.) A pen is a simple invention, really, used by millions of people. But words depend not on the pen itself, but on the person who holds it. In the hand of Kathryn Lee Bates, a pen wrote the words to "America the Beautiful." In the hand of a red-headed lawyer from Virginia, a pen wrote the words to one of the greatest documents in history, The Declaration of Independence. In the hand of a tall, tired president, a pen wrote, “Fourscore and seven years ago..." – The Gettysburg Address. In the hand of Robert Baden-Powell, a simple pen outlined the precepts of an exciting program for boys, the forerunner of today's Scouting movement. Now the pen is in your hand, and the words it will write depend on you. You've used it already to write your Wood Badge ticket, bringing new understanding to your values and vision for success. And now it is time for you to begin building your legacy. What that legacy will be is up to you, and you alone. Hold the pen out to the participants. When this pen is in my hand, the words that it will write depend on me. But now, the pen is in your hand, and the words that it will write depend on you. Your legacy is yours to write, and yours alone. You have the power. You have you skill. The future is waiting for you to begin. N Summary Session

41 Wood Badge is not an end, but a beginning!
After Slide Show When you arrived on Day One of this course, one of the first things that happened was that you were given a pen just like this one. (Show the audience a pen.) A pen is a simple invention, really, used by millions of people. But words depend not on the pen itself, but on the person who holds it. In the hand of Kathryn Lee Bates, a pen wrote the words to "America the Beautiful." In the hand of a red-headed lawyer from Virginia, a pen wrote the words to one of the greatest documents in history, The Declaration of Independence. In the hand of a tall, tired president, a pen wrote, “Fourscore and seven years ago..." – The Gettysburg Address. In the hand of Robert Baden-Powell, a simple pen outlined the precepts of an exciting program for boys, the forerunner of today's Scouting movement. Now the pen is in your hand, and the words it will write depend on you. You've used it already to write your Wood Badge ticket, bringing new understanding to your values and vision for success. And now it is time for you to begin building your legacy. What that legacy will be is up to you, and you alone. Hold the pen out to the participants. When this pen is in my hand, the words that it will write depend on me. But now, the pen is in your hand, and the words that it will write depend on you. Your legacy is yours to write, and yours alone. You have the power. You have you skill. The future is waiting for you to begin. N Summary Session

42 Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
Now go turn your dreams into reality. Turn Your Dreams Into Reality N Summary Session

43 Thank You! Thank you for your attention. I’ll now open up the floor for any questions that you might have. N Summary Session

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