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Chapter 14: Phase Equilibria Applications

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1 Chapter 14: Phase Equilibria Applications
Part II

2 If the component is supercritical, then the vapor pressure is not defined

3 example A binary methane (1) and a light oil (2) at 200K and 30 bar consists of a vapor phase containing 95% methane and a liquid phase containing oil and dissolved methane. The fugacity of methane is given by Henry’s law, and at 200 K, H1 = 200 bar. Estimate the equilibrium mole fraction of methane in the liquid phase. The second virial coefficient of methane at 200K is -105 cm3/mol

4 solution

5 Solution (cont) Need equation for the fugacity coefficient vapor phase

6 Solution (cont) How do we solve for the mole fraction of the solute
in the liquid phase? x1 =0.118

7 Another example For chloroform(1)/ethanol(2) at 55oC, the excess Gibbs energy is The vapor pressures of chloroform and ethanol at 55oC are P1sat = kPa, and P2sat = kPa Make BUBLP calculations, knowing that B11=-963 cm3/mol, B22 =-1,523 cm3/mol, B12 =52 cm3/mol

8 Need equations for the fugacity coefficients

9 But we don’t know P  Guess P (avg sat. pressures)

10 For example, at x1 =0.25, solve for y1, y2, P y1 = 0.558 y2 = 0.442
P = kPa In our web site, there are model spreadsheets that you can download

11 VLE from cubic EOS


13 Vapor pressure pure species
(1) Liquid branch Vapor branch LV transition Using equation (1), the cubic EOS yields Pisat= f(T)


15 Compressibility factors
For the vapor phase there is another expression, (14.36)



18 How to calculate vapor pressure from a cubic EOS
We solve for the saturation pressure at a given T such that the fugacity coefficients are equal in the two phases: 2 compressibility eqns., two fugacity coefficient eqns., equality of fugacity coefficients, 5 unknowns: Psat, Zl, Zv, fl, fv

19 Mixture VLE from a cubic EOS
Equations for Zl and Zv have the same form as for pure components However the parameters a & b are functions of composition The two phases have different compositions, therefore we could think in terms of two P-V isotherms, one for each composition


21 Mixing rules for parameters

22 Also we need “partial” parameters

23 The partial parameters are used for the calculation of fugacity coefficients
Because fi is related to the partial molar property of GR (residual G)

24 example Vapor mixture of N2(1) and CH4 (2) at 200K and 30 bar contains 40 mol% N2. Calculate the fugacity coefficients of nitrogen and methane using the RK equation of state. For RK, e =0 and s =1


26 Calculate P-x-y diagram at 100 oF for methane(1)-n butane (2) using SRK and mixing rules (14.42) to (14.44) Compare with published experimental data (P, x, y) Initial values for P and yi can be taken from given experimental data First read critical constants, w, from Table B.1 and a from Table 3.1 Calculate b1, b2, a1, a2 In this case T > Tc1


28 Step 1 K value given by

29 The equations for a are valid only up to the critical temperature; however is OK to
extend the correlation slightly above the critical temperature Lets calculate the mixture parameters (for step 1). When applied to the liquid phase we use the xi mole fractions

30 Follow diagram Fig. 14.9 Assume P and yi Calculate Zl and Zv, and the mixture fugacity coefficients Calculate K1 and K2 and the SKixi Calculate normalized yi=Kixi/ S Kixi Reevaluate fugacity coefficients vapor phase, etc If S Kixi > 1, P is too low so increase P; if S Kixi < 1, then reduce P

31 Results: Rms % difference between calculated and exp. P is 3.9% Rms deviation between calculated and exp. y1 is 0.013 Note that the system consists of two similar molecules Where are the largest discrepancies with the experimental data?

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