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What does it mean to truly follow Jesus?

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Presentation on theme: "What does it mean to truly follow Jesus?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it mean to truly follow Jesus?

2 Think for a moment… The BIGGEST threat to student ministry today is FANS who call themselves Christians but aren’t actually interested in following Christ. They want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires anything from them. -Kyle Idleman


4 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily (suffering) and follow me.” Luke 9:23 (ESV) Are you “coming after” Jesus? If you are not, you either fall in one of two groups…

5 One of two groups we fall into…
The “I Like Jesus on Facebook” group Your page says, “I am Christian” You check into on FB when you go to a Christian event You “like” verses or quotes shared by your “friends”

6 The second group we may fall into…
The “Why does Facebook even ask about my religious views?” group A group would be ok if other people choose to follow Jesus You would be a group that would be ok if others skipped over the question. There are those in both Group 1 and 2 who most likely will turn down Jesus’ invitation to really follow Him!!

7 What does following Jesus mean?
Does not mean… We attend a church Parents/Grandparents are Christian To walk an aisle To merely repeat a prayer You own more than one Bible You grew up in VBS You wear some sort of Christian apparel You have a Bible app or ereader You “intentionally” say Merry Christmas While all this is great stuff, it does not define one as a follower of Jesus?

8 What does it mean to follow Jesus?
Fan: The definition of a fan is a person who is very enthusiastic about someone or something… Follower: a person who follows another in regard to his or her  ideas or belief; disciple or adherent. Follower Changed On a Mission

9 Are you a follower of Jesus?
Jesus called out to them, “Come, be my disciples, and I will show you how to fish for people!” Matthew 4:19 Following Jesus Changed by Jesus On Mission with Jesus

10 What are you more focused on?
Jesus said, “do whatever they tell you and observe it. But don’t do what they do, b/c they don’t practice what they teach.” Matthew 23:3 Jesus does not expect followers to have it all together, but he does call them to be authentic!!

11 How do we meet Jesus’ expectation?
D.T.R talk with Jesus Define the Relationship “It’s time we define this relationship!!” Jesus gets to the point of how you feel… Is your relationship just a casual weekend thing? What is your level of commitment: fan or follower? Are you an “enthusiastic admirer” or a “die hard” follower? Let’s take a look at a familiar story, and see how Jesus defines the relationship!!

12 “…came to Jesus at night.”
D.T.R. Moment in action… John 3 Fan named Nicodemus (Pharisee) Well-known/Well-respected in his community An admirer of Jesus Ready to take his relationship deeper “…came to Jesus at night.” There is no way to truly become a follower of Jesus without losing your religion.

13 He came to Jesus at night…(v.2)
D.T.R. moment with Jesus… He came to Jesus at night…(v.2) Why would Nicodemus come to Jesus at Night? No one would see him D.T.R moment without much changes A time that he thought would not jeopardize his job Confronted with Truth Jesus desired to interfere with his life Fans are happy to follow Jesus as long as it does not interfere with their lives.

14 Reality about following Jesus…
No way Nicodemus could follow Jesus w/o coming to the light. Following Jesus would cost Nicodemus everything… Status Popularity; Future Dreams Financially Friendships Family relationships Everything How about you: has following Jesus cost you anything?

15 Moment for all believers…
Reality check v Fan or Follower Following Jesus revealed (ch. 19) Nicodemus made a costly/expensive gesture Gesture of affection and devotion If you believed in darkness, Jesus now invites you to follow him in the light.

16 The Heart of the Matter…
Nicodemus made a clear decision to follow Jesus. Jesus was not interested in his religious acts/rituals. Nicodemus needed to… Humble himself Begin a new way of life (born-again) Not just believe but follow Jesus Jesus is looking for more than just a prayer; he’s looking to see how those words are lived out in your life.

17 Fan/Follower Christ wants followers to…
Stop pretending on the outside to have it all together Submit to His plan to have REAL relationship w/ Him Share His story with others

18 Fans vs. Followers Fans come to Jesus thinking tune-up, but Jesus is thinking overhaul. Fans think a little make-up is fine, but Jesus is thinking makeover. Fans think a little decorating is required, but Jesus wants a complete remodel. Fans want Jesus to inspire them, but Jesus wants to interfere with their lives.

19 Until we admit we are a “mess”, Jesus won’t have anything to do with us.
-- Yaconelli, 51

20 Questions to Ponder… Are you merely a fan? Are you a Christ follower?
D.T.R. You? How would you define your relationship? Others? How would others define your relationship? Jesus? How would Jesus define your relationship?

21 Questions to Ponder… Is the focus of your faith on keeping a list of rules only? Is the focus of you faith on the privilege/pleasure of KNOWING Jesus? Are you connecting stories with others around you?

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