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What kind of plants do we see in a climax community?

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Presentation on theme: "What kind of plants do we see in a climax community?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What kind of plants do we see in a climax community?
Agenda for Tuesday Jan 27th Population Notes

2 Why study populations? Learn how organisms change over time, problems in an environment, and relationships between organisms

3 Population Growth Rate
Must know birthrate and mortality Emigration – moving out of a pop. Immigration – moving into a pop. Immigration rate = emigration rate Calculating growth rate =(population at end – population at beginning) Population at beginning

4 Exponential Growth Rate
Occurs when organisms have ideal conditions More individuals = faster growth Rarely happens WHY? Limiting factors

5 Logistical Growth Rate
Steady state Populations go through different growth phases Lag Phase – slow growth Exponential growth – rapid growth, few die, many reproduce Population growth slows down Steady state – population levels, birth rate = death rate Slows Lag Exponential

6 Questions The human population is currently growing at an exponential rate. What does this mean about our birth and death rates? The Mantled Howler Monkey is currently considered an endangered species. What does this mean about its birth and death rates?

7 Carrying Capacity Maximum number of individuals that an environment can support Measured in winter

8 Limiting Factors… Anything that prevents the number, reproduction, distribution, growth of an organism Abiotic Biotic

9 Tolerance – ability of an organism to survive when subjected to limiting factors
Upper and lower limit = range

10 Population Ranges Species are limited to where they may exist
Abiotic conditions Temperature Humidity Rainfall Sunlight Biotic conditions Predators Competitors parasites

11 Density independent factors
affects the size of a population regardless of the population density Abiotic Weather, Water, Fire, Sunlight, temperature Humans – dams, pollution

12 Density Dependent Factors
A factor whose effects on the size or growth of population vary with the population density Biotic factors Predation, disease/parasites, competition Food, water, shelter (resources)

13 Disease/Parasites Outbreaks of disease tend to occur when population size has increased Disease is transmitted faster True for humans as well as animals Parasites increase at higher densities

14 Questions Imagine a population of skunks. Imagine that the skunks are reproducing at a very high rate, and the skunk population is growing rapidly. a) List a possible density-independent factor that could stop the skunk population’s growth. b) List a possible density-dependent factor that would limit the skunk population’s growth.

15 Population Density # of organisms per area
Dispersion – pattern of spacing of populations 3 types Uniform Clumped Random

16 Dispersion Pattern: Uniform

17 Dispersion Pattern: Clumped

18 Dispersion Pattern: Random


20 Reproductive strategies
R-strategy (rate strategists) Produce as many offspring as possible in a short time Little energy in raising young K-strategists (carrying capacity strategy) Few offspring that have a better chance of living Expend a lot of energy raising young

21 Compare and contrast r and k reproductive strategies
Agenda for Wednesday Jan 28th 1. Invasive species project Quiz tomorrow

22 What is a density independent factor? A density dependent factor?
Agenda for Thursday Jan 29th Go over HW Quiz Human populations

23 Human Population Growth
It took all of human history up to the early 1800s for world population to reach 1 billion people until 1960 to reach 3 billion Today, the world gains 1 billion people every 11 years The current population is almost 8.5 times larger than the population of 760 million at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution At current growth rates, the world population could double in as little as 58 years

24 Human Population Growth

25 What’s Behind Population Growth
Industrial Revolution Growth of Cities and Infrastructure Water Energy Transportation Increased Productivity Nutrition Sanitation Medicine Three Factors Fertility Infant Mortality Longevity Animal Domestication and Agriculture Provided for a few to feed many

26 Resource Consumption (6)
High consumption Getting worse Rate increase faster than population growth

27 Human Carrying Capacity
Technology has allowed us to raise Earth’s carrying capacity for our species time and again. Tool-making, agriculture, and industrialization each enabled humans to sustain greater populations.

28 Our ‘Commons’ are in Danger
Atmospheric pollution and climate change Water pollution, including ground aquifers Deforestation and loss of oxygenation The oceans, coral reefs and their bounty National parks, wildernesses and wetlands Nonrenewable natural resource depletion Fossil fuels, mineral ores, topsoil…..

29 Biodiversity is in Danger
Humanity has spawned a species extinction to rival the 5 great extinctions of million years ago Recovery times from the great extinctions took 10’s of millions of years Biodiversity is essential to life on Earth and holds untold treasures for the future An ecological ethic is emerging

30 Human Population Growth
Zero population growth birth rate + immigration rate = death rate + emigration rate Age structure # of males and females in three age groups Pre-reproductive (0-19), reproductive (20-44), and post –reproductive (45-80+)


32 Why do some countries have a growing population while other countries have a declining population?

33 Concept Web Social, economic, envt
Positive, neutral, neg impacts on more people

34 What event in human history helped spark our population growth?
Agenda for Friday jan 31st Quiz Present

35 What concerns are there about the increase in human population?
Agenda for Monday Feb 3rd Present Biomes

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